Advanced Menu Generator
Info: Acest generator de cod creaza meniuri cu diferite stiluri, fonturi si culori. Mai sunt si diferite efecte care-l fac mai atragator. Colors marked with an (*) are safe on older browsers Choose Your Font (56 options) Abadi MT Condensed Light Agency FB Algerian Americana Arial BakerSignet Berlin Sans FB Bernhard Modern Roman Birch Bodoni Highlight ICG Book Antiqua Bradley Hand ITC Brush Script MT Castellar Centaur Century Gothic Charlemagne Chiller Colonna MT Comic Sans MS Copperplate Gothic Courier Curlz MT Edwardian Script IT Elephant Engravers MT Forte Franklin Gothic Book Georgia Goudy Harlow Solid Italic Harrington High Tower Text Hobo Impact Jazz Poster ICG Book Antiqua Jokerman Kaufmann Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Typewriter Magneto Matisse ITC Mistral Monotype Corsiva Book Antiqua Myriad Condensed News Gothic Old English Text MT Poor Richard Book Antiqua Ravie Showcard Gothic Tigerteeth ICG Times New Roman Wide Latin Choose Your Font Size 6pt 8pt 9pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 16pt Choose Your Font Weight bold none Choose Your Font Color (150 options) aliceblue antique white aqua* aquamarine azure beige bisque black* blanched almond blue* blue violet brown burly wood cadet blue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflower blue corn silk crimson cyan* dark blue dark cyan dark golden rod dark gray dark green dark khaki dark magenta dark olive green dark orange dark orchid dark red dark salmon dark sea green dark slate blue dark slate gray dark turquoise dark violet deep pink deep sky blue dim gray dodger blue fire brick floral white forest green fuchia* gainsboro ghost white gold golden rod gray green green yellow honey dew hot pink indian red indigo ivory khaki lavender lavender blush lawn green lemon chiffon light blue light coral light cyan light golden rod yellow light green light gray light pink light salmon light sea green light sky blue light slate grey light steel blue light yellow lime* lime green linen magenta* maroon medium aqua marine medium blue medium orchid medium purple medium sea green medium slate blue medium spring green medium turquoise medium violet red midnight blue mint cream misty rose moccasin navajo white navy old lace olive olive drab orange orchid pale golden rod pale green pale turquoise pale violet red papaya whip peach puff peru pink plum powder blue purple red* rosy brown royal blue saddle brown salmon sandy brown sea green sea shell sienna silver sky blue slate blue slate gray snow spring green steel blue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white* white smoke yellow* yellow green Select Your Backround Color (mouse-off) aliceblue antique white aqua* aquamarine azure beige bisque black* blanched almond blue* blue violet brown burly wood cadet blue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflower blue corn silk crimson cyan* dark blue dark cyan dark goldenrod dark gray dark green dark khaki dark magenta dark olive green dark orange dark orchid dark red dark salmon dark sea green dark slate blue dark slate gray dark turquoise dark violet deep pink deep sky blue dim gray dodger blue fire brick floral white forest green fuchia* gainsboro ghost white gold goldenrod gray green green yellow honey dew hot pink indian red indigo ivory khaki lavender lavender blush lawn green lemon chiffon light blue light coral light cyan light goldenrod yellow light green light gray light pink light salmon light sea green light sky blue light slate grey light steel blue light yellow lime* lime green linen magenta* maroon medium aqua marine medium blue medium orchid medium purple medium sea green medium slate blue medium spring green medium turquoise medium violet red midnight blue mint cream misty rose moccasin navajo white navy old lace olive olive drab orange orchid pale golden rod pale green pale turquoise pale violet red papaya whip peach puff peru pink plum powder blue purple red* rosy brown royal blue saddle brown salmon sandy brown sea green sea shell sienna silver sky blue slate blue slate gray snow spring green steel blue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white* white smoke yellow* yellow green Select Backround Color (mouse-over) aliceblue antique white aqua* aqua marine azure beige bisque black* blanched almond blue* blue violet brown burly wood cadet blue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflower blue corn silk crimson cyan* dark blue dark cyan dark goldenrod dark gray dark green dark khaki dark magenta dark olive green dark orange dark orchid dark red dark salmon dark sea green dark slate blue dark slate gray dark turquoise dark violet deep pink deep sky blue dim gray dodger blue fire brick floral white forest green fuchia* gainsboro ghost white gold goldenrod gray green green yellow honey dew hot pink indian red indigo ivory khaki lavender lavender blush lawn green lemon chiffon light blue light coral light cyan light goldenrod yellow light green light gray light pink light salmon light sea green light sky blue light slate gray light steel blue light yellow lime* lime green linen magenta* maroon medium aqua marine medium blue medium orchid medium purple medium sea green medium slate blue medium spring green medium turquoise medium violet red midnight blue mint cream misty rose moccasin navajo white navy old lace olive olive drab orange orchid pale goldenrod pale green pale turquoise pale violet red papaya whip peach puff peru pink plum powder blue purple red* rosy brown royal blue saddle brown sea green sea shell sienna silver sky blue slate blue slate gray snow olive olive drab steel blue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat white* white smoke yellow* yellow green Name: (Menu option 1) URL: (e.g. Description: (Information about the 1st selection) Name: (Menu option 2) URL: (e.g. Description: (Information about the 2nd selection) Name: (Menu option 3) URL: (e.g. Description: (Information about the 3rd selection) Name: (Menu option 4) URL: (e.g. Description: (Information about the 4th selection) Name: (Menu option 5) URL: (e.g. Description: (Information about the 5th selection)