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Everything posted by blondutz1989

  1. Ofer gazduire pentru servere de counter strike la preturi acceptabile ofer si o luna gratuita la orice pachet cumparat. http://shadow-hosting.com/ Pentru detalii adaugati id shadow_gameshosting
  2. Hosting Counter Strike Counter strike 14sloturi----4euro Counter strike 16sloturi----5euro Counter Strike 18sloturi----6euro Counter strike 20sloturi-----7euro Counter strike 22sloturi----8euro Counter strike 24sloturi-----9euro Counter strike 28sloturi-----10euro Counter strike 32sloturi---12euro Serverele ruleaza 24/24 Aveti si acces ftp si va puteti instala orice plugin/patch doriti, serverul se administreaza cu ajutorul game panel sau webmod. La orice pachet achizitionat primiti o luna gratuita ,deci platesti o luna si ai host 2 luni La 2 luni platite in avans ai o luna gratuita + reducere de 2euro la prelungirea host-ului Pentru detalii addaugati ID de mess : shadow_overpro Server de proba cs.overpro.eu
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