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  1. De exemplu Fac o categorie nume " Cs.sdsdd.ro '' In acest topic facut vreau sa fac , cerere admine topicuri etc . Dupa ce fac topicurile apare sub Forum pe paginia principala
  2. Cum pot sa maresc o tema vbulletin de exemplu am tema Darkcore
  3. Group Formatting Prefix
  4. Pune codu la members edit grup: text-shadow:0px 2px 13px #f5a911;
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  8. Cand vreau sa fac backup de pe forum imi zice ca: If you have access to phpMyAdmin or a similar tool, we recommend that you use that instead of the ACP backup utility. ce trebuie sa fac?
  9. Probabil cunoasteti pluginul acesta pentru IPB, hide content; poti descarca un fiser doar daca lasi reply l-am instalat si imi zice: Strict Standards: Declaration of tbHideContentTopicNotify:endNotifications() should be compatible with that of classes_like_composite:endNotifications() in /home/onegame/public_html/forum/hooks/tbHideContentTopicNotify_031d83ae559db6d1e27292a89063f49b.php on line 45 Strict Standards: Declaration of tbHideContentTopicNotify:endDigestNotifications() should be compatible with that of classes_like_composite:endDigestNotifications() in /home/onegame/public_html/forum/hooks/tbHideContentTopicNotify_031d83ae559db6d1e27292a89063f49b.php on line 45 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/onegame/public_html/forum/hooks/tbHideContentTopicNotify_031d83ae559db6d1e27292a89063f49b.php:45) in /home/onegame/public_html/forum/admin/sources/clas Ma puteti ajuta?
  10. Acuma am inteles .. Nu este pluginu acela care poti sa descarci doar cand dai reply . Aveti cumva pluginul sau cum se numeste?
  11. You can not view the Hiden Content probabil cunoasteti pluginu l-am instalat functioneaza . Dar cand las reply tot apare ca e hiden cum fac cand las un reply sa dispara sa nu mai fie hiden. Si sa apara You'll be able to see the hidden content once you reply to this topic.
  12. Mda din ce mi-ai dat tu nimic nu inteleg..
  13. Nu ma descurc .. mai astept putin poate gasesc pe cineva care sa ma ajute.
  14. Trebuie neaparat licenta? Din cate vad acolo asa zice
  15. Poi din ce mi-ai dat tu din link-ul de mai sus nu vad nicaieri covert
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