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FML's post in Formatare Usb Setat Pe Optiunea Readyboost was marked as the answer
FML's post in Parere Router Tp Link Tl-Wr1043Nd Sau Tl-Wdr4300? was marked as the answer
Primul pare mai echitabil .
FML's post in Problema No Hp Recovery Manager Installed was marked as the answer
FML's post in Problema Bsod Instalare Windows 8 was marked as the answer
Nu vrei nici tu sa faci ca mine ...
Ti - am spus ... Ia un DVD si arde imaginea cu BurnAware pe 4x .
Dupa , setezi din BIOS ca 1stBoot Device - CD/DVD , Save & Restart .
Press any key - apesi 1 sau orice vrei de pe tastatura , dupa care bafta .
FML's post in Eroare De La Interfata Care Schimba Windows 7 In 8 was marked as the answer
Pai asa l - am rezolvat .
Imi aduc aminte cand am pus interfata iOS pe Windows 7 .
FML's post in Cum Schimb Toata Interfata Windows 7 In 8? was marked as the answer
Ideea e ca Windows 8/8.1 consuma ceva mai putine resurse ca 7 si predecesoarele .
Eu zic sa nu incerci 15 mii de skin - uri si UI - uri ... Pune - ti chiar 8 sau 8.1 .
Daca 7le iti merge bine , nu vad un motiv bun sa intampini probleme la 8 si 8.1 .
Zi - ne si ce PC ai .
Fa o simulare aici , sa fii sigur :
FML's post in Problema Aplicatii Si Notifications In Windows 8.1 was marked as the answer
Pana sa dai restart , atunci cand rezolvi fa ce zice aici :
Citeste bine , bine , nu te grabi .
FML's post in Videoclipurile De Pe Youtube Ingheata La Fiecare 4 - 5 Secunde! was marked as the answer
Se pare ca nu e nevoie nici de un alt Flash decat cel built - in / Java . [ Pentru 8 / 8.1 ] .
Adaugati Youtube.com in Compatibility View Settings iar problema se rezolva pe orice sistem de operare mentionat de la orice distributie , indiferent de instalari sau lipsuri .
Multumesc tuturor .
FML's post in Folderele Au Extensia .scr (Screen Saver). Rezolvare? was marked as the answer
Daca vrei sa termini cu virusul ala de tot , ia - ti NOD32 Antivirus .