iata mesajele lor :
Hello Ion, Thank you for contacting Support. I have successfully installed W3 total cache plugin within the WordPress admin page http://ionblog.net/wp-admin . I have set 'zlib.output_compression = On' and increased the 'memory_limit' in php.ini at http://www.ipage.com/controlpanel/cgiManagement/PHPplus.bml . Now, the website URL http://ionblog.net/'>http://ionblog.net/ is loading fine without any slowness. However, there are various reasons why a website loading slowly. A poorly designed site with coding errors will load slowly. The browser has to read and interpret the coding then present it to the visitor. Also, lot of images or the images have not been optimized or resized for the web. Images that have been inserted into the page without their width and height specified will render slowly. A database driven website may load slowly due to poor database design and/or too many processes. So, I advice you please optimize the images and database to increase the loading speed from your end. Below is a link that should help show you how to optimize your MySQL usage:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/optimizing-mysql-application . Please clear all the caches and cookies present in your browser and then try to access the website. If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console. Sincerely, Preetham S Technical Specialist
Thank you for your patience.
I'm personally sorry about this and we don't like to see our customers upset and inconvenienced. We always strive to create a positive customer experience. It's perfectly understandable that you're very upset about what's happened.
I have corrected the session path in php.ini file at: http://www.ipage.com/controlpanel/cgiManagement/PHPplus.bml and optimized the database tables. Now, the website http://ionblog.net is loading fine. Please try to access your website in different browsers and in different networks.
A. You can optimize the database tables regularly to increase the speed of your database driven website.
To perform the database optimization, follow the steps given below:
1. Log in to your phpMyAdmin and select the database whose tables you wish to optimize.
2. Tick the tables you wish to optimize, or simply click [Check All] to select all tables.
3. Click the box With selected: and choose Optimize table.
This will execute the OPTIMIZE TABLE SQL query on the selected tables and they will be updated and optimized.
B. You can disable unwanted plugins to increase the performance.
Due to the nature of our shared hosting system, there will be occasional brief periods where MySQL/PHP sensitive websites experience stalling and slowness. In most circumstances this is caused by other users on the pool monopolizing resources and causing particular applications which are sensitive to MySQL load (applications like WordPress, phpNuke, phpBB, Joomla) to experience slowdowns and timeouts.
In such cases, we have automated monitoring and a team in Network Operations that detect and correct these issues as they arise. If your website having slowness more frequently, please report it. Please note that, In shared platform 100% consistency is not possible. If you need 100% consistency then you need to look for VPS or dedicated hosting.
If you wish to cancel the account and get the refund, please get back to us with the confirmation.
If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console.
Shiju T
Technical Specialist
Au spus ca au rezolvat... insa eu nu am observat nici o diferenta. Am incercat sa dejazctivez toate pluginurile si am pus alta tema si nimic nu sa schimbat... Cred ca voi anula contul..Insa la ce gazduire sa ma inregistrez?
Dati-mi niste recomandari. Pana acum eram la hostiger..