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Community Answers

  1. #Republic's post in Nu Isi Pot Schimba Avatarele Userii Si Nici Din Acp was marked as the answer   
    Intra in FTP , si la folderul UPLOADS(unde ai instalat forumul) seteaza permisiunea pe 777 , si intra in el , si vezi si la celelante foldere sa fie tot 777(imi paremi-se ca Profile si inca unul)
  2. #Republic's post in Cum Adaug Un Grup In Legenda Din Ipb? was marked as the answer   
    Uite , s-a mai vorbit de instalare

  3. #Republic's post in Cum Traduc Informatiile Din Tema Ipb? was marked as the answer   

  4. #Republic's post in Lipsa Iconita Mesaje Private Si Eroare Sql La Logare was marked as the answer   
    Modifica link-ul ala, pui intre virgule asta:
    http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/oxygen-icons.org/oxygen/24/Places-mail-message-icon.png pentru PM
    Si pentru notification pui asta:
    http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/gakuseisean/ivista-2/24/Network-Globe-Disconnected-icon.png Ai inteles?
  5. #Republic's post in Cum Schimb Numele Legendei Cu Grade Din Ipb? was marked as the answer   
    Mai precis in boardIndexTemplate si cauti hookGroupNameIndicator

  6. #Republic's post in Problema Vip Members Ipb: Call To A Member Function was marked as the answer   
    AdminCp -> Look & Fell -> Template Tools ->Rebuild Master Skin Data
    Bifeaza tot si dai Rebuild
    Dupa revino iar in Template Tools -> Recache Skin Sets

    Dai Recache Skin Sets.
  7. #Republic's post in Problema Cu Tema Default Ipb Pe Care O Vad Vizitatorii was marked as the answer   
    Pai strege tema Vilian dupa uploadeaz-o iar cu un alt nume.
  8. #Republic's post in Cum Pun Comunitea Ipb Offline? was marked as the answer   
    AdminCP->Tabul System->System Setting->System->Community Offline / Online
    ->Turn the community offline->Yes                                                                                                                         
    ->The offline message to display-> Mesajul dorit
    Update Settings
    Ca să o faci online la ->Turn the community offline->No

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