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Community Answers
Frenzy's post in Cum Elimin Header Dinamic La Scroll Din Ipb? was marked as the answer
Am rezolvat.
Era la .content{ linia margin-top:
Se poate închide topicul.
Frenzy's post in Cum Schimb Culoarea Textului Din Editor? was marked as the answer
Ascultă ce îţi spune Courage...
Nu vezi că tot editorul este făcut varză?
Frenzy's post in Cum Schimb Culoarea Albastra De La Maintitle Ipb? was marked as the answer
Cauta in ipb_style.css expresia "maintitle" sau "maintitle.png"
Frenzy's post in Distanta Intre Informatii Si Text was marked as the answer
Vezi ca la fiecare grad sa ai inchis Group Formatting Suffix
Adica sa ai acolo </span>
Frenzy's post in Cum Colorez Un Subforum In Ipb? was marked as the answer
<font color=COD-CULOARE> NUME </font></span></a> -
Frenzy's post in Cum Sa Apara Efectele De La Grupuri La Categorie / Forum? was marked as the answer
Frenzy's post in Cum Pot Pune O Poza Gif La Avatar In Ipb? was marked as the answer
AdminCP- System- System Settings - tab-ul Members - User Profiles -> Allow animated GIFs in photo thumbs? Setezi pe Yes.