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Everything posted by Dekker

  1. Ma tot chinui sa gasesc driverul audio si nu dau de el... sau poate nu stiu eu sa caut. Care ma poate ajuta si pe mine va rog. Am incercat si driver ul Realtek ALC262 si tot nu merge Am lasat sa isi ia si windows ul automat driverul si tot nu merge.. In bara de jos la volum/sunet imi apare cu x rosu si imi spune (No audio output device is installed) si nici in CP la sound - > Playback nu apare nimic. Field Value Computer Computer Type ACPI x64-based PC Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate OS Service Pack - DirectX DirectX 11.0 Motherboard CPU Type DualCore Intel Pentium E2200, 2200 MHz (11 x 200) Motherboard Name Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq dc7700 Convertible Minitower Motherboard Chipset Intel Broadwater Q965 System Memory 2039 MB (DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM) DIMM1: Nanya M2Y2G64TU8HG5B-AC 2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-18 @ 400 MHz) (4-4-4-12 @ 266 MHz) (3-3-3-9 @ 200 MHz) BIOS Type Compaq (04/13/07) Communication Port Communications Port (COM1) Communication Port ECP Printer Port (LPT1) Display Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 (1024 MB) Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce GT 220 (1024 MB) 3D Accelerator nVIDIA GeForce GT 220 Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 793S/793V/MagicSyncMaster CM173G [17" CRT] (H9LY109254) Multimedia Audio Adapter nVIDIA HDMI @ nVIDIA GT216 - High Definition Audio Controller
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