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Alecs Andru

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  1. Cum am specificat, mai sunt modificari de facut. 1) Lorem Ipsum done. 2) Problema de permisiune,done. 3) Poate mi-a placut tema asta. ( este vorba de o comunitate de gaming, inteleg sarcasmul dvs.) 4) Este strict decizia mea daca ascund sau nu ceva. Nu am venit pentru reclama ci pentru pareri. Daca incalca orice regulament, stergere si gata.
  2. Salutare dragi colegi. Am redeschis comunitatea sub alta denumire de domeniu. Pareri , pro si contra sunt binevenite. Suntem o comunitate open pentru orice fel de proiect. Mai sunt mici modificari de facut. Platforma IPB versiune 4.7.8 Multumesc, Apasa aici pentru site!
  3. Va rog sa inchideti topicul, sa rezolvat. Am intrat in cpanel , am schimbat pe php version 8.1 dupa care am schimbat inapoi pe 5.6 si merge. A fost o buba cu phpversion. Multumesc
  4. Salutare stimati. Am si eu o problema ce ma depaseste. Am mutat forumul pe o noua gazduire ( este aceeasi firma de hosting numai ca am luat alt domeniu cu gazduire ). Am editat conf am urcat baza de date exportata ulterior din vechiul domeniu, toate facute cum trebuie ( stiu si eu sa fac basicul ) insa primesc o eroare si nu pot sa ii dau de cap. Your settings could not be read by IP.Board. This is a fatal error and IP.Board cannot function while this issue persists. This issue is generally caused by changing your character set in the ACP to one that does not support data stored in the rest of your settings, or by restoring a database backup/completing a server transfer and importing your database tables using the wrong character set or collation. You should contact IPS Technical Support for further assistance. Ce este de facut in cazul asta? Am verificat toate sa fie la fel acelasi utf8 peste tot este in regula, insa nu vrea.
  5. Pentru cei ce au problema cu magic_quote Deschidem initdata.php din folderul radacina al forumului Cautam linia : @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if ( ! defined( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES' ) ) { define( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES', @get_magic_quotes_gpc() ); } Si editam cu linia : if( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<') ) { @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if ( ! defined( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES' ) ) { define( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES', @get_magic_quotes_gpc() ); } } else { if ( ! defined( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES' ) ) { define( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES', false ); } } Atentie ! phpversion(), '5.4.0' - Aici treceti exact versiunea de php din Cpanel! de exemplu daca avem setat 5.6, in loc de 5.4.0 trecem 5.6. Ea va trebui sa arate asa : if( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.6', '<') ) { @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); bla bla bla bla cod bla
  6. Pentru cei ce au probleme si nu pot accesa admin panelul aveti rezolvarea aici : Cauta si intra in urmatorul fisier : admin\applications\core\modules_admin\mycp\dashboard.php Undeva la linia 377 copiaza codul asta : $online = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as fixme', 'from' => 'sessions', 'where' => "running_time > {$time}" ) ); Iar la undeva la linia 379 copiaza codul asta : $stats['active_users'] = $online['fixme'];
  7. Rezolvat. Puteti inchide topicul !
  8. Salutare , am si eu erorile astea si nu pot accesa admin panelul, spune : There appears to be an error with the database. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 May 2020 11:54:21 +0000 Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678761' at line 1 IP Address: - /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=760d8b50fffbc05cf6e27a4d08ddcab2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) as rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678761 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | File | Function | Line No. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------| | admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [admin_core_mycp_dashboard].doExecute | 306 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 May 2020 11:54:29 +0000 Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678769' at line 1 IP Address: - /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=760d8b50fffbc05cf6e27a4d08ddcab2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) as rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678769 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | File | Function | Line No. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------| | admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [admin_core_mycp_dashboard].doExecute | 306 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 May 2020 11:55:38 +0000 Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678838' at line 1 IP Address: - /forum/admin/index.php?adsess=760d8b50fffbc05cf6e27a4d08ddcab2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) as rows FROM sessions WHERE running_time > 1588678838 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | File | Function | Line No. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------| | admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [admin_core_mycp_dashboard].doExecute | 306 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------'
  9. Mai exact : Admin Control Panel -> Customization -> Themes -> Edit Code -> selectezi CSS -> Core -> Front -> Custom -> _ipsfocus_base.css
  10. si la Lenght/Values 255? Query error:#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'UNSIGNED NOT NULL' at line 1
  11. Sunt putin depasit in cadrul acesta unde trebuie mai exact schimbat in varchar ? Name Type Length/Values Default Collation Attributes Null A_I Comments Virtuality Move column
  12. Cea mai mica o am 5.5 si imi da eroare 500. HTTP ERROR 500
  13. Dezactivat. : There appears to be an error with the database. If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again.
  14. Cam asta ar fi problema , nu as dori sa imi pierd datele inclusiv baza de date, sa o iau de la 0 cu postari..
  15. Salutare domnilor. Am si eu nevoie de ajutorul vostru. Nu se poate inregistra pe forum. Versiune 3.4.6. Primesc urmatoarea eroare : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 18:39:48 +0000 Error: 1265 - Data truncated for column 'log_code' at row 1 IP Address: - /forum/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=register ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mySQL query error: INSERT INTO spam_service_log (`log_date`,`log_code`,`log_msg`,`email_address`,`ip_address`) VALUES(1574707188,'1\\n','','poterasalx@gmail.com','') .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | File | Function | Line No. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------| | admin/sources/base/ipsMember.php | [db_main_mysql].insert | 4107 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' | admin/applications/core/modules_public/global/register.php | [IPSMember].querySpamService | 1871 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' | admin/applications/core/modules_public/global/register.php | [public_core_global_register].registerProcessForm | 65 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------' | admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [public_core_global_register].doExecute | 306 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------------'
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