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Maxime Sanchis

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  1. Hi, I'm Maxime from France and I'm 17 years. I'm new here and I need some help from one of you concerning Flag Counter. I'd like to earn hold a flag counter so as to check who and where does someone who's watching my profile come from. I also don't know how to put this "flag counter" on a site such as www.vk.com or www.facebook.com (In fact, I would post my flag counter there). Max.
  2. Hi, I've created this topic just so as to know what people from abroad think about French people and France in general. What would you visit there? What wouldn't you? etc... Anyway, let me know your opinion. I'm just interested.
  3. Men når du tager hjem til hende, og du kysser hende på kinden.

  4. Hi guys, as far as I'm concerned, I can't stop listening to two songs. Here they are: I hope you'll like it. ENJOY!
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