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Everything posted by hOpa

  1. Sus , Pareri / Propuneri ?
  2. Multumesc frumos .
  3. New Style nextcs.ro/forum Pareri ?
  4. O tampenie de tema , al 10-lea forum pe care o vad, e foarte urata . Mersi Mi-e imi place cat de cat.. o sa incerc sa fac ceva modificari dupa cum am timp sa vedem ca iesa
  5. Salut, as vreau şi eu nişte păreri legate de design-ul forumului nextcs.ro/forum/. Ce va place si ce nu va place? multumesc
  6. cand duci mouse deasupra
  7. Salut ! Cum pot face si eu cand ti apasat sageata pe un subforum / categorie sa straluceasca ? http://s3.postimg.org/5u2e9heoz/ipb.png
  8. am incercat..degeaba
  9. Salut ! Am si eu o problema la shoutbox..cand vreau sa fac permisiunile imi da erroare : http://s27.postimg.org/uu6r98xar/hig.png Imi spune ca nu exista..uitativa-n poza..
  10. nu merge nici pe alta tema imi da o erroare acuma Fatal error: Call to a member function announcement() on a non-object in /home/csro/public_html/forum/admin/applications_addon/other/shoutbox/sources/classes/library.php on line 397 Erroare cand instalez Chat-ul: Welcome to the IP.Board application set up utility. This installation is in progress... The following errors have been found: · CREATE TABLE hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts ( s_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, s_mid int(11) NOT NULL, s_date int(11) NOT NULL, s_message text NOT NULL, s_ip varchar(32) NOT NULL, s_edit_history text NULL, PRIMARY KEY (s_id), KEY (s_mid), KEY (s_date) ) Can't create table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts' (errno: -1) · CREATE TABLE hightcs_ipbshoutbox_mods ( m_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, m_type VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL default '', m_mg_id INT(11) NOT NULL default '0', m_edit_shouts tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', m_delete_shouts tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', m_delete_shouts_user tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_ban_members tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_unban_members tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', m_remove_mods tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (m_id) ) Can't create table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_mods' (errno: -1) · INSERT INTO hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts (s_id, s_mid, s_date, s_message, s_ip, s_edit_history) VALUES ( NULL, '0', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'Congratulations, you have successfully installed Shoutbox! Now you need to setup the shoutbox permissions in ACP -> Members TAB -> Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups -> Edit a Group -> Shoutbox TAB', '', NULL ); Table 'csro_ipb.hightcs_ipbshoutbox_shouts' doesn't exist Click here to continue regardless
  11. exact..scriu mesaj si nu apare in chat..am uitat sa specific !
  12. sunt facute dar nu merge..
  13. Salut ! Am si eu o problema la chat, dupa ce il instalez.. imi zice in chat: No shouts have been made in the Shoutbox, why don't you add one to get the Shoutbox started?
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