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Valentin Marcu

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  1. deci placa Placa video MSI AMD Radeon R7 260 OC, 1024MB, GDDR5, 128bit, HDMI, 2x DVI, Display Port, Propeller Blade Technology http://www.emag.ro/placa-video-msi-amd-radeon-r7-260-oc-1024mb-gddr5-128bit-hdmi-2x-dvi-display-port-propeller-blade-technology-r7-260-1gd5-oc/pd/DS0LQBBBM/ nu se poate atasa?
  2. Adica asi putea pune ori ce tip de memorie?
  3. Multumesc pentru ajutor ! Pai la placa de baza scrie ddr3 pot sa bag si gddr5?
  4. Am o problema , vreau sa imi cumpar componentele necesare unei unitati desktop si nu stiu daca pot sa le combin. Procesor Intel® Core™ i3-4160, 3.60GHz, Haswell, 3MB, Socket 1150, Box HDD WD Blue 1TB, 7200rpm, 64MB, SATA 3 Placa de baza MSI H81M-P33, socket 1150 Memorie HyperX FURY Blue 4GB, DDR3, 1600MHz, CL10, 1.5V DVD Writer Asus DRW-24F1ST/BLK/B/AS, SATA, Negru, Bulk Placa video Sapphire AMD Radeon R7 240, 4096MB, DDR3, 128bit, DVI, HDMI, VGA FAN FOR CASE DEEPCOOL 80x80x25 mm. "Wind Blade 80" Si o sursa de 400W Pot la le combin ? , imi trebuie o sursa mai buna ?,daca am uitat o componenta importanta , si daca puteti sa imi spuneti o alta placa video mai buna cam de 400lei Multumesc!!!
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