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Community Answers
tazzy*'s post in Adaugare Prima Pagina was marked as the answer
Iti trebuie un index care il adaugi in radacina. ( public_html )
Index-urile le iei de pe net, si modifici cu notepad: index.html
Sau mai simplu , intr-un notepad ii pui numele: index , deschizi fisierul si acolo pui:
Please with.. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=http://numeforum.domeniu/forum/" /> Dupa te duci in public_html, pui acest fisier , acel notepad si il redenumesti in: index.html
Si iti va intra direct pe forum. Bafta.
tazzy*'s post in Reputation System was marked as the answer
1. ACP > System settings > Members TAB > Reputation System > Reputation Type > sa fie pe: Positive Reputation Points 2. ACP > Manage Member Groups > Group random > Global tab > CTRL + F: Maximum number of positive reputation points this group can give in a 24 hour period: X
Maximum number of negative reputation points this group can give in a 24 hour period: X
tazzy*'s post in Cum Adaug Mos Craciun Miscator Pe Forum? was marked as the answer
globalIndexTemplate - jos de tot adauga:
<!-- Santa Claus volando por el blog --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://blogparts.giffy.me/0017/parts.js" /></script> <!-- Santa Claus volando por el blog --> -
tazzy*'s post in Cum Adaug Bara De Copyright Fixata Jos? was marked as the answer
Adaugi in globalTemplate jos de tot
<footer> <div id='copyright_bar' class='custom_hover'> <div class="text3"> </div> <div class="text1"> Theme Designed By <a style="color: #FF0000;" href="http://max-cs.ro/forum/index.php?/user/1-†-kєηηzό™/" style="color: #FF0000;"><span style="color:#ff0000; text-shadow: 0 0 8px;#0099CC;)"><b>† Kєηηzό™</font></a> </div></span></b> <div class="text2">→ Copyright © Max-CS.Ro 2014 ←</div> </div> </footer> Si adaugi in CSS (jos de tot):
#copyright_bar{ font-size:11px; line-height:18px; padding:0 12px; overflow:hidden; margin-bottom:8px; color:#E0E0E0; text-shadow:0 1px 0 #000; background:rgb(15,15,15); background:rgba(15,15,15,0.8); border-top:1px solid #000; -webkit-box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0px 1px 5px; -moz-box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0px 1px 5px; box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.6) 0px 1px 5px; } #copyright_bar a{ color:#3AAF3A; } #copyright_bar a:hover{ color:#3BD53B; } #copyright_bar .text1{ text-align:right; width:22%; float:right; commentText; } #copyright_bar .text2{ text-align:center; width:44%;margin:0 auto; } footer{width:100%;background:none;position:fixed;bottom:0;height:22px;z-index:9998;} A zis odata Courage..
tazzy*'s post in A Cazut Baza De Date La Forum? was marked as the answer
E de la webhost.
Acum vad ca merge.
tazzy*'s post in Cum Scot Reclamele Din Group Name Indicator? was marked as the answer
Nu pot să dau edit.
Am rezolvat problema, codurile cu reclamele erau in boardIndexTemplate.
Pur și simplu: ctrl + f: ZonCS.
Am rezolvat. Salut.
tazzy*'s post in Cerere Tema Ipb Eclassic Skin Black V1.0 was marked as the answer
http://www24.zippyshare.com/v/28031286/file.html Mark solved ? Thanks.
tazzy*'s post in Cum Setez Avatarul Si Dimensiunile Default? was marked as the answer
Poftim ?
Vrei sa setezi un default avatar sau marimea la ele ?
Pentru a schimbat default avatarul, intra in:
FTP > public_html > style_images > tema ta > profile > DEFAULT_LARGE Iar daca vrei sa schimbi marimea la avatare, intra in:
ACP > System Settings > Members TAB > Users Profile > Show users full photo in topic view; maximum width: 150x250 Mark Solved daca ai rezolvat!
tazzy*'s post in Cum Adaug Un Border Colorat La Maintitle Din Ipb? was marked as the answer
in ipb_style.css cauta .maintitle, iar sub -moz-border-etc (ce iti mai scrie tie acolo) adauga:
border-bottom: 2px solid #FFA500; #FFA500 fiind culoarea pe care o vrei tu , acum la mine este portocaliu.