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  1. Mersi mult.
  2. Salut, cum as putea face mai mica partea rosie. (adica https://gyazo.com/a447a84956628b3db8f030abb9aa61f0 asa ----> https://gyazo.com/d9cb0f21e4d36b77e2e6512da4495ffa)
  3. Intri in Acp si stergi tema.
  4. Cum pot schimba logo ala web-ask.ru dar si backgrounds alea 4 https://gyazo.com/508ba1c8bc2625dfcbf7388ba06e8ce6
  5. Ms mult.
  6. Salut, imi zice si mie cineva cum pot schimba https://gyazo.com/cb53bb90f63e5fe5a50ab41c83890a0e numele ala Rip by MILLER?
  7. ma ofer, add Y!M catalinv0210@yahoo.com
  8. d@aniel imi poti da un pm te rog...
  9. Am incercat tot ce e aici dar nici o metoda nu merge daca bag totul in /forum nu imi merge acp etc
  10. trebuie sa sterg public_html?
  11. ma poti ajuta prin TW.?
  12. ms incerc acum imi poti zice si mie unde e root?
  13. Dar cind am ajuns la pasul asta nu imi mai mergea ACP
  14. Am gasit ceva dar daca fac nu imi mai merge ACP
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