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Community Answers
sp33ddinamo's post in Problema recuperare parola was marked as the answer
ce sa zic, multumesc de ajutor...
am rezolvat cu ajutorul acestui topic: http://pctroubleshooting.ro/topic/26278-tutorial-configurare-email-via-smtp-in-ipb/
sp33ddinamo's post in Problema IPB 4.2.8 was marked as the answer
rezolvat, a fost de la baza de date, i-am dat sa o verifice, apoi sa o repare din cpanel
sp33ddinamo's post in Rezolvare problema legenda forum? was marked as the answer
nu vezi pb? iti dau niste ochelari? nu vezi diferenta de culori? in fine va rog dati tc am implementat legenda in who is online cu ajutorul acestui topic