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Sn!k3rs last won the day on April 10 2020

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  1. Ce parere vrei sa imi dau de o comunitate cu o tema de pe net ? - Se vede de la o posta care sunt modelele copiate si cele originale facute de tine. - La header puteati sa se schimbe culoarea la banner si sa nu ramana albastra.
  2. E aproape acelasi lucru <li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <img src='{{if $comment->author()->pp_thumb_photo}}{file="$comment->author()->pp_main_photo"}{{else}}{$comment->author()->photo}{{endif}}'>{{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}}<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_moderator" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>{{elseif $comment->author()->joinedRecently()}}<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--new" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_new_badge" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>{{endif}} </li> .cAuthorPane_photo img { max-width: 170px; width: auto; } Fara avatar - https://i.imgur.com/DS4qadn.png Cu avatar - https://i.imgur.com/4vupQz6.png
  3. te duci la butonul Edit HTML&CSS si mai jos de acesta este un buton numit "Resources" si mai departe vezi si tu
  4. http://invision-virus.com/forum/index.php/files/file/342-sos34-group-color-on-user-link/ vezi asta
  5. Nu am ce parere sa dau despre index este template-ul "Hyperspace" sunt doar niste culori schimbate https://i.imgur.com/AKO9hAg.png ( asa se vede tema pe un iphone 5s ) https://i.imgur.com/FNpi3kW.png ( se vede ciudat ) Rewrite url nu functioneaza la meniu https://i.imgur.com/bFPNDCn.png ( cam inghesuit ) https://i.imgur.com/xmIWttb.png ( cam urat sta acest negru ) https://i.imgur.com/Rd14RuK.png ( nu arata bine ) https://i.imgur.com/snPlOuF.png ( ok ) https://i.imgur.com/7mnRr10.png ( mda )
  6. da mi un cont cu acces acp sa vad daca pot face ceva
  7. Tema e poloneza, pana si descrierea de la logo a fost copiata si tradusa in Romana ( https://i.imgur.com/X7oblzB.png ) si este foarte ingramadita,inlocul vostru as alege un deflection clear.
  8. ar merge un str_replace la serverele de ts3 https://arkored.com/server/
  9. https://arkored.com/help/terms-and-conditions ( Reclama ) https://arkored.com/help/privacy-policy ( Reclama ) Primesc email de confirmare cu titlul GAMEFIRE https://i.imgur.com/HzzqB8y.png ( O limita de caractere nu exista? ) https://i.imgur.com/gDbxD4i.png ( Ciudat ckeditor )
  10. Nu ne zici cum se numeste tema pe care o ai si versiunea?
  11. Un cont cu acces ACP nu poti da?
  12. Ce versiune ips ai?
  13. <div class='cAuthorPane user_{$comment->author()->member_id} cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_block'>
  14. Te duci la postContainer la <div class='cAuthorPane cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_block'> si modifici cu <div class='cAuthorPane user_{$comment->author()_>member_id} cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_block'> si pui in css asa .user_id .ipsType_blendLinks a { font-size:13px; } .user_id .ipsType_break { font-size:11px; }
  15. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id == 1}} .cAuthorPane .ipsType_blendLinks a { font-size:13px; } .cAuthorPane_info .ipsType_break { font-size:11px; } {{endif}} vezi asa ( Am testat )
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