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Minions last won the day on January 1 2023

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  • Birthday 05/02/1999

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  1. Cunde gasesc editor-ul sa stipe viitor
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  3. Salutare pct dupa mult timp revin si eu cu o cerere de ajutor. De o zi doua nu pot lasa reply intr-un topic. Topicurile se creaza dar reply nu pot lasa. Ca sa vedeti la ce ma refer intrati pe www.darkplay.ro/forum/ (scuzati reclama) si intrati intr-un topic si incercati sa dati reply. Vreau raspunsuri care m-ar putea ajuta nu raspunsuri doar pentru +1
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  9. Minions


    puteai pune urmatorul cod <?php /** * XHTML 1.1 Edit Module, defines editing-related elements. Text Extension * Module. */ class HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_StyleAttribute extends HTMLPurifier_HTMLModule { public $name = 'StyleAttribute'; public $attr_collections = array( // The inclusion routine differs from the Abstract Modules but // is in line with the DTD and XML Schemas. 'Style' => array('style' => false), // see constructor 'Core' => array(0 => array('Style')) ); public function setup($config) { $this->attr_collections['Style']['style'] = new HTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS(); } } // vim: et sw=4 sts=4 in urmatoare adresa ips_kernel > HTMLPurifier> HTMLPurifier> HTMLModule> StyleAttribute.php si nu trebuia sa reinstalezi platforma
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