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  1. xReady

    Ce are!

    De ce imi arata asa. acum cateva zile mi-a mers fara probleme.. https://imgur.com/a/wZwyZ7U
  2. Nu imi apare peste tot, dor la unele categorii.. https://imgur.com/a/DjKA9
  3. Multumesc.. Rezolvat.
  4. http://empirestunt.esy.es/
  5. Sa fie spatiu intre Location, sa nu se mai uneasca cu locatia user-ului https://imgur.com/a/xgctM
  6. xReady


    Rezolvat asta era problema multumesc..
  7. xReady


    Cand dau Start topic si cand vreau sa dau grade la membri imi da eroare asta..
  8. Am inteles gata Multumesc..DeNyS. t/c
  9. A mers multumesc, dar la Logo nu reusesc am asa.. <!-- ::: BRANDING STRIP: Logo and search box ::: --> <div id='branding'><div class='wrapper clearfix'> <div id='logo'> <if test="brandingBar:|:ipsRegistry::$applications[ $this->registry->getCurrentApplication() ]['hasCustomHeader']"> {parse template="overwriteHeader" group="{current_app}_global" params=""} <else /> {parse template="defaultHeader" group="global" params=""} </if> </div>
  10. Am inlocuit si imi arata asa... Uite link http://empirestunt.esy.es/
  11. De aici ce inlocuiesc.. body { background: #e3ae7b url("{style_images_url}/background.jpg") no-repeat 50% 0 fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; color: #bcbcbc; font: normal 11px tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; position: relative; padding-bottom: 6px;
  12. Cum pot schimba logo si backgrounds de la tema Villain.. https://imgur.com/a/Xvon7
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