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  1. @strongtaz Am uitat de CSS
  2. <div class="ipsSideBlock clearfix __xX20official20partners20"> <h3 id="anonymous_element_1"><a href="#" class="ipsSidebar_trigger ipsType_smaller right desc mod_links">×</a> Official Partners </h3> <figure class="snip1176"><img src="http://www.star-play.ro/forum/public/style_images/star-play/partnersbg.png" alt="sample80"> <figcaption> <div class="icon"><span><i class="ion-mic-c"></i></span></div> <h2>Team<span>Speak</span></h2> <div class="caption"> <p>CONNECT</p> </div> </figcaption><a href="ts3server://ts.star-play.ro" target="_blank"></a> </figure> <figure class="snip1176"><img src="http://www.star-play.ro/forum/public/style_images/star-play/partnersbg.png" alt="sample80"> <figcaption> <div class="icon"><span><i class="ion-social-facebook"></i></span></div> <h2>FACE<span>BOOK</span></h2> <div class="caption"> <p>OFFICIAL PAGE</p> </div> </figcaption><a href="https://www.facebook.com/gostarplayro/" target="_blank"></a> </figure> <figure class="snip1176"><img src="http://www.star-play.ro/forum/public/style_images/star-play/partnersbg.png" alt="sample80"> <figcaption> <div class="icon"><span><i class="ion-steam"></i></span></div> <h2>STEAM<span> GROUP</span></h2> <div class="caption"> <p>OFFICIAL GROUP</p> </div> </figcaption><a href="http://steamcommunity.com/groups/star-play/" target="_blank"></a> </figure> </div> Asta e codu
  3. Multumesc frumos! +1
  4. Am cautat si eu asta, dar nu am gasit nimic. Iti arat ce am boardindex Template?
  5. link
  6. Salut, am intampinat o problema nu stiu cum sa scot aceste bannere
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