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Everything posted by Bogdan51

  1. Bogdan51


    Salut, am facut un nou update la windows 10 si apoi dupa update tabul enhancements de la microfon a disparut. Ce ar trebuii sa fac?
  2. Bogdan51


    Salut, de curand am observat la un prieten pe forum are ipb 3 si poate sa ofere grade direct de pe profil fara sa intre in admin cp. Cum as putea sa fac si eu asta?
  3. Ar trebuii sa instalez iar windows 7 sau ce pot face?
  4. Salut am o problema. De cand am facut update-ul la windows 10 adica acum o luna nu imi merge microfonul, adica il detecteaza cand il bag mereu dar nu se aude absolut nimic din ce zic. Am crezut ca e de la microfon dar mi-am cumparat altul si e exact aceeasi problema. Ce as putea sa fac? Va rog sa ma ajutati.
  5. Cand intru in admin control panel imi da urmatoarea eroare: https://imgur.com/a/9DKWr
  6. A mers instalarea dar acum cand intru in admin control panel imi apare asta: There appears to be an error with the database. If you are seeing this page, it means there was a problem communicating with our database. Sometimes this error is temporary and will go away when you refresh the page. Sometimes the error will need to be fixed by an administrator before the site will become accessible again. You can try to refresh the page by clicking here
  7. Cand apas sa il instalez imi da urmatoarea eroare: Error: We were unable to write your configuration information to the conf_global.php file. Please verify that this file has full read and write privileges. Poze: https://imgur.com/a/1eRVy
  8. Am o problema la instaleara platformei ipb la conectare la sql si nu stiu de ce ma puteti ajuta?
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