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  1. nu am incercat nimic tema pentru acasa ))) sau uite #include <stdio.h> int main() { unsigned char symbol; scanf("%c", &symbol); printf("symbol: \"%c\"\n", symbol); printf("code: %u\n", (int)symbol); printf("address: %p\n", &symbol); return 0; } sau in c++, e corect #include int main() { char symbol; std::cin >> symbol; std::cout << "symbol: " << symbol << std::endl; std::cout << "code " << static_cast(symbol) << std::endl; std::cout << "address: " << static_cast(&symbol) << std::endl; } static cast < int > ( symbol ) sstatic cast < void* > ( &symbol )
  2. de la tastatura se introduce un caracter. De elaborat un program care sa afiseze caracterul introdus codul lui ASCII si adresa (in hexazecimal) la care a fost depus in memorie.
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