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Juliano Dillon's post in Acer aspire 3 upgrade ram was marked as the answer
Poti pune direct 32gb. Dar depinde ce vrei sa faci cu ei, depinde ce alte componente mai ai tu in PC. Daca ai un procesor slab, daca n-ai placa video dedicata, degeaba pui 32gb ram. Lasa mai multe detalii.
Juliano Dillon's post in Online indicator was marked as the answer
Pai in global template nu ai ce cauta cu variabila $member
Codul tau trebuie sa arate asa:
{{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id }} <span class='member_online'>is online</span> {{else}} <span class='member_offline'>is offline</span> {{endif}} Cu toate astea nu vad de ce ai adauga asa ceva pentru ca nu vezi niciodata ca esti offline, codul asta ar avea mai multa logica daca ai crea un sistem de Away, Busy, etc.
Juliano Dillon's post in Border line under categorie (between one & one) was marked as the answer
Just change the color
li.cForumRow.ipsDataItem { border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px !important; border-color: #f00; border-style: solid; }
Juliano Dillon's post in Problema ChatBox was marked as the answer
Mai era una care se numea simplu Chatbox, dar nu stiu exact unde o gasesti.
Juliano Dillon's post in Group Color on name was marked as the answer
Inlocuiesti {member="name"} cu asta
{template="userLink" app="core" group="global" params="\IPS\Member::loggedIn()"}
Juliano Dillon's post in Problema ipsHovercard on forums was marked as the answer
Poti sa-mi lasi in privat un cont cu acces pe tema si link de la forum? Nu iti garantez ca o sa iti rezolv problema, dar pot incerca.
Juliano Dillon's post in Problema butoane ! was marked as the answer
Da-i click dreapta pe buton, inspect element si alegi elementul "button" din tab-ul HTML si il editezi in tab-ul CSS, n-am de unde sa-ti dau eu codul, nici nu stiu ce comunitate e.
Juliano Dillon's post in Adaugare iconita navbar was marked as the answer
lasa-mi te rog un link de la forum sa ma pun uita peste el
Juliano Dillon's post in Centrare logo ips 4 (deflection) was marked as the answer
.logo img:hover { transform: rotate(360deg); transition: 0.4s all ease-out; } Acum am observat si partea cu rotatia. Schimbi tu din 360deg in cat vrei, eu am pus atat ca sa revina la pozitia normala, la fel si cu durata animatiei, o setezi tu la cate secunde vrei + adauga "transition" si in [.logo img { ] pentru a se rotii inapoi cand nu mai faci hover.
Juliano Dillon's post in Problema imagini IPS 4.3 was marked as the answer
Salut, am intrat pe forumul tau si singura problema este rezolutia ta sau zoom-ul browser-ului. La mine se vad ca in a doua poza.