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Everything posted by KryptoN-EL

  1. Lucram mult, incearca acuma recent sa te conectezi ca sigur o sa mearga !
  2. FreeZeTiMe WoW ROMANIA BATTLE Rate-urile serverului 5x Kill XP 10x Quest Xp 5x Money Drop 5x Artifact Drop 3x Honor 3x Skill Rate 2x Explore XP Battleground-uri working Arena working Lag Free Ruleaza 24/7 Contact Yahoo Mess ID: ( wowfrz@yahoo.com ) Pentru cont nou: http://frzwow.servegame.com/game_acc.php FORUM: http://frzwow.servegame.com/forum/ Realmlist: frzwow.servegame.com Versiune acceptata: World of Warcraft The Lich King 3.0.3 -Teleporter in orasele mari -Este server RO only -Poate gazdui 500 de playeri fara sa fie lag Este un server -nou,asa ca nu are multi playeri.Asteptam sa il populati. -stabil,de lunga durata! In cazul in care aveti o problema,raportati-o pe forum!
  3. Contact Yahoo Mess (ID): wowfrz@yahoo.com
  4. Name WoW FreeZeTiMe - Blizzlike Realm Adress: realmlist -> set realmlist frzwow.servegame.com Ruleaza: 24/7 Account page: http://frzwow.servegame.com Forum: http://frzwow.servegame.com/forum Va asteptam !
  5. Server Name: FreeZeTiMe Server Type: PvPGN Warcraft III ( The Frozen Throne Expansion Needed! ) Internet Link: 100 Mb Box: Dual Intel Celeron 2GHz, 1GB Memory Server Address: freezetime.redirectme.net TimeZone: 2 Instalation KIT: Nu este valabil momentan. ( pentru orice detaliu sau nevoie de asistenta imi trimiteti un PM sau Mail )
  6. Server Name: FreeZeTiMe Server Type: PvPGN Warcraft III ( The Frozen Throne Expansion Needed! ) Internet Link: 100 Mb Box: Dual Intel Celeron 2GHz, 1GB Memory Server Address: freezetime.redirectme.net TimeZone: 2 Instalation KIT: Nu este valabil momentan. ( pentru orice detaliu sau nevoie de asistenta imi trimiteti un PM sau Mail ) Regulament Server/Forum: http://freeezetimero.forumup.ro
  7. Server Name: FreeZeTiMe Server Type: PvPGN Warcraft III ( The Frozen Throne Expansion Needed! ) Internet Link: 100 Mb Box: Dual Intel Celeron 2GHz, 1GB Memory Server Address: freezetime.redirectme.net TimeZone: 2 Instalation KIT: Nu este valabil momentan. ( pentru orice detaliu sau nevoie de asistenta imi trimiteti un PM sau Mail ) Regulament Server/Forum: http://freeezetimero.forumup.ro
  8. Server Name: FreeZeTiMe Server Type: PvPGN Warcraft III ( The Frozen Throne Expansion Needed! ) Internet Link: 100 Mb Box: Dual Intel Celeron 2GHz, 1GB Memory Server Address: freezetime.redirectme.net TimeZone: 2 Instalation KIT: Nu este valabil momentan. ( pentru orice detaliu sau nevoie de asistenta imi trimiteti un PM sau Mail ) Regulament Server/Forum: http://freeezetimero.forumup.ro
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