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Site-ul celor de la anonymouse, AnonyOps.Com a fost spart ieri (11.11.2011) de un grup de hackeri numiti "Tha Disastar".

"Apparently, my website, http://anonyops.com,'>http://anonyops.com, fell victim to a deface today by a hacking group known as "Tha Disastar" (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000425881374). They used an exploit on a depricated function for which I used to check file types. They were able to upload a shell to the server where they reached root access. The deface has been fixed, and the depricated function replaced. http://anonyops.com is now back online."

Aparent, pagina lor de facebook a fost sparta de cei de la Anonymous.



Daca nu stiti inca cine sunt cei de la anonymouse puteti viziona acest videoclip

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