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mysql_affected_rows([link_id]) =use after nonzero INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query to check number of rows changed.

mysql_change_user(user, password, [database],[link_id]) =changes MYSQL user on an open link

mysql_close([link_id]) =closes the identified link(usually unnecessary)

mysql_connect([host][:port][:socket], [username], [password]) =opens a link on the specified host, port, socket; as specified user with password. All arguments are optional

mysql_create_bd(db_name, [link_id]) =creates a new MYSQL database on the host associed with the nearest open link

mysql_data_seek(result_id, row_num) =moves internal row pointer to specified row number. Use a fetching function to return data from that row

mysql-drop_db(db_name, [link_id]) =drops specified MYSQL database

mysql_error([link_id]) =returns text error message

mysql_fecth_array(result_id, [result_type]) =fetches result set as associative array. Result type can be MYSQL_ASSOC, MYSQL_NUM, or MYSQL_BOTH(default)

mysql_fetch_field(result_id, [field_offset]) =returns the information about a field as an object

mysql_fecth_lengths(result_id) =returns length of each field in a result set

mysql_fetch_object(result_id, [result_type]) =fetches result set as an object. See mysql_fetch_array for result types

mysql_field_row(result_id) =fetches result set as an enumerated array

mysql_field_name(result_id, field_index) =returns name of enumerated field

mysql_field_seek(result_id, field_offset) =moves result pointer to specified field offset. Used with mysql_fetch_field

mysql_field_table(result_id, field_offset) =returns name of specified field's table

mysql_field_tyoe(result_id, field_offset) =returns type of offset field (for example, TINYINT, BLOB, VARCHAR)

mysql_field_flags(result_id, field_offset) =returns flags associated with enumerated field (for example, NOT NULL, AUTO_INCREMENT, BINARY)

mysql_field_len(result_id, field_offset) =return lenght of enumerated field

mysql_free_result(result_id) =frees memory used by result set(usually unnecessary)

mysql_insert_id([link_id]) =returns AUTO_INCREMENT ID of INSERT; or FALSE if insert failed or last query was not an insert

mysql_list_fields(database, table,[link_id]) =returns result ID for use in mysql_field functions, without performing an actual query

mysql_list_dbs([link_id]) =returns result pointer of databases on mysqld. Used with mysql_tablename

mysql_list_tables(database, [link_id]) =returns result pointer of tables in database. Used with mysql_tablename

mysql_num_fields(result_id) =returns number of fields in a result set

mysql_num_rows(result_id) =returns number of rows in a result set

mysql_pconnect([host][:port][:socket], [username], [password]) =opens persistent connection to database. All arguments are optional. Be careful-mysql_close and script termination will not close the connection

mysql_query(query_string, [link_id]) =sends query to database. Remember to put the semicolon outside the double-quoted query string

mysql_result(result_id, row_id, field_identifier) =returns single-field result. Field identifier can be field offset(0), field name or table-dot name

mysql_select_db(database, [link_id]) =selects database for queries

mysql_tablename(result_id, table_id) =used with any of the mysql_list functions to return the value referenced by a result pointer

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