+skyler_sdf Posted December 4, 2011 Report Posted December 4, 2011 140-sirul lui fibonacci 144-cel mai mare divizor comun 145-suma cifrelor unui nr 146-inversarea unui cuvant 147-numere cu maxim de cifre distincte 140. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int F[20], n; long fib(int k) { if(k==1 || k==2) return 1; else return fib(k-1)+fib(k-2); } void main() { cout<<"n="; cin>>n; if(n>0) cout<<endl<<"termenul nr. "<< n<<"este "<<fib(n); } 144. #include<iostream.h> int a, b; int cmmdc(int a, int b) { if(a==b) return a; else if(a>b) return cmmdc(a-b, b); else return cmmdc(a, b-a); } void main() { cout<<"dati numerele: "; cin>>a>>b; if(a>0 && b>0) cout<<"cmmdc= "<<cmmdc(a, b); else cout<<"nu pot calcula cmmdc!!!"; } 145. #include<iostream.h> int suma(long x) { if(x==0) return 0; else return x%10+suma(x/10); } void main() { int x; cout<<endl<<"dati nr: "; cin>>x; cout<<endl<<"suma cifrelor lui"<< x <<" este "<<suma(x); } 146. #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void inv() { char c; scanf("%c", &c); if(c!=' ') inv(); printf("%c", c); } void main() { inv(); getch(); } 147. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int a[20], max, k; int test(int c, int a[20], int k) { int i, gasit=0; for(i=1; i<=k; i++) if(c==a[i]) gasit=1; return gasit; } int nr_cif(int x, int a[20], int &k) { int c; if(!x) return 0; else { c=x%10; if(test(c, a, k)) return nr_cif(x/10, a, k); else { k++; a[k]=c; return 1+nr_cif(x/10, a, k); } } } void citire() { int x, n, i; cin>>x; if(x) { k=0; for(i=1; i<=20; i++) n=nr_cif(x, a, k); if(n>max) max=n; citire(); if(n==max) cout<<x<<" "; } } void main() { cout<<endl; max=0; cout<<endl<<"dati numerele separate prin 0(incheiati cu enter)"<<endl; citire(); getch(); }
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