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Cu siguranta ati auzit de SOPA care e echivalentul ACTA. SOPA dupa cum bine stiti a fost respinsa insa se pregateste o noua SOPA. Adevarul e ca nu am inteles foarte bine ce zice fiindca mai am de lucru la engleza mea de balta. Deci acest act e o noua incercare a incalcarii intimitatii si opririi pirateriei?

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is a United States proposed law introduced on November 30, 2011 by U.S. Representative Michael Rogers (R-MI) and 111 co-sponsors.[1][2] It was passed in the House of Representatives on April 26, 2012.[3] Prior to the amendments offered during final passage of the bill that would address many Adminstration concerns, President Obama threatened to veto the bill.[4]

The bill would allow the voluntary sharing of attack and threat information between the U.S. government and security cleared technology and manufacturing companies in an attempt to ensure the security of networks against patterns of attack[5] ; the most recent version of the CISPA bill may remove any reference to intellectual property.[6][clarification needed] Several commentators have distinguished CISPA from the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill.[7][8][clarification needed] CISPA was reported out of committee on December 1, 2011.[9] CISPA has been criticized by advocates of Internet privacy and neutrality, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Avaaz.org, because they feel it contains too few limits on how and when the government may monitor private information when it might become collaterally entangled in the process of passing threat information, and too few safeguards with respect to how the data may be used; they fear that such new powers may be used to find and punish file sharers and copyright infringers rather than the stated foreign spies or hackers.



Iata si imaginea despre care vorbeam (daca tot am dat din nou peste ea):


Am fost sambata la un spectacol de teatru, numit 1984, inspirat din cartea lui George Orwell cu acelasi nume. Avea ca tema totalitarismul and all that jazz, "sloganul" fiind "Big Brother is watching you" :D.

Funny thing.



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