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Daca licenta forumului IPB este platita, chat-ul este gratuit (6 luni) dupa care trebuie platita o suma de 25$ (pentru inca 6 luni + acces la update-uri).

Vezi si:

Altfel, poti opta pentru plugin-uri de genul: Bowob Chat, IRC Chat 3.2 sau Shoutbox 1.3.3.

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Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.


Installation/Upgrades Shoutbox

Installation or upgrades of this product follows the same pattern as any other standard IP.Board application. You just need to upload all of the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forums, preserving the directory structure. Once you have uploaded all of the files, visit the Manage Applications & Modules page on the System tab of your Admin CP and click the link to Install or Upgrade this application.

• Keep in mind that if you have renamed your forum's 'admin' folder that you will need to upload the folders and files from the 'admin' folder for this application into the renamed 'admin' folder on your forums.

• Also note that the contents of the /public/style_images/master/ folder inside the 'upload' folder must be uploaded to each /public/style_images/ subfolder used by a skin on your site, so that the images this application uses can be customized on a per-skin basis if needed.

Asadar, iei folderele public si admin din folder-ul upload al Shoutbox-ului, si le pui peste cele pe care le ai tu. Dupa ce ai facut asta, mergi in ACP -> System Tab -> Applications & Modules -> si apesi pe Install Shoutbox application.

  • Upvote 2

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Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.

  • 7 months later...

Pai, daca vrei acel chat (in stil mIRC) va trebui sa iti faci un canal de irc (http://www.google.ro/#sclient=psy-ab&q=how+to+create+a+irc+channel&oq=how+to+creat+a+irc+c&gs_l=hp.3.0.0i13l2j0i13i30l2.7761.12684.1.13745.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43828540,d.Yms&fp=96da01cd35ad70ac&biw=1266&bih=1011), apoi sa completezi acolo cu datele corespunzatoare.


Totusi, nu vad de ce te-ai complica cu IRC, daca nu ai deja un canal.

Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.


Deoarece vreau buton separat de chat nu vreau chat pe pagina principala, ca vor incepe sa leneveasca  utilizatorii  si va scade indexarea

Si deoarece Bowob Chat are si el probleme la instalare , si ala este interesant, unul dinacestea doua as vrea sa le instalez, as opta mai mult pentru Bowob Chat , dar daca nici asta nu merge am zis sa fac irc chat

  • 6 months later...

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