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Problema Cu Fixarea (Pin) Aplicatiilor In Taskbar (Solutie)

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Nu am intalnit problema decat la Google Chrome, pana acum. In ce consta problema? Pai, aveam Chrome fixat in taskbar, dar cand il deschideam, crea o noua fereastra (nu se deschidea sub acelasi task).

Daca intampinati aceeasi problema si va enerveaza, puteti incerca urmatoarele:

1. Deschideti Google Chrome (folosind executabilul deja fixat)

2. Odata deschisa noua fereastra, click dreapta in taskbar si lipit-o de asemenea (Pin this program to taskbar)

3. Nagivati in C:\Users\Numeletau\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar unde veti gasi doua iconite, in cazul meu Google Chrome si Google Chrome (1)

4. Faceti Google Chrome (1) readonly (Right Click -> Properties -> General -> bifati Read-only) si stergeti Google Chrome, eventual scoteti-l si din taskbar (Unpin this program from taskbar)

Daca asta nu merge, try this:

1. Navigati in C:\Users\Numeletau\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome si stergeti User Data.

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