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Reparatii Laptop, Reflow, Reballing In Braila

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Prestam servicii profesionale de reparatii, reconditionari, întretinere pentru laptopuri, telefoane mobile, tablete, console, aparate foto.


Reparatii laptop Braila

* Reparatii laptop / notebook / tablete, inclusiv operatii de reflow - reballing cu aparatura specializata.
* Reparatii placi video de laptop sau PC
* Reparatii console, reballing CPU si GPU Xbox, PS3, Wii
* Depanare camere foto, obiective, folii
* Resoftare telefoane mobile, smartphone, decodare, firmware upgrade
* Servicii de mentenanta laptop, curatare praf, schimbare pasta termica
* Montare folii / geamuri protectie pentru smartphone si tablete


Relatii la tel. 0339 732 267

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