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Salut !

Am un forum ipb, si daca dau la Tools & Settings > Cache Management > rechache all, dupa ce se termina de facut toate alea, primesc eroarea:


Driver Error - There appears to be an error with the database.


Ma poate ajuta cineva please ?

Eroarea o primesc doar pe index. daca caut pe google, si dau sa vad un topic, apare... deci eroare apare doar pe index, si numai pe temele desktop.

Am intrat si dp telefon, pe tema pt telefon, forumul merge, dar daca dau sa vad cu tema desktop, imi da eroarea aia.

Aici aveti si 



Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 10:35:30 +0000
 Error: 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '4,19,6,) AND s.login_type NOT IN (1)' at line 2
 IP Address: - /
 mySQL query error: SELECT s.member_id, s.member_name, s.seo_name, s.member_group,p.*,m.* FROM pis_sessions s  LEFT JOIN pis_profile_portal p ON ( p.pp_member_id = s.member_id ) 
 LEFT JOIN pis_members m ON ( m.member_id = s.member_id )   WHERE s.running_time > 1429781730 AND s.member_group IN (,4,19,6,) AND s.login_type NOT IN (1)
 | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
 | admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php                              | [mmstaffOnlineSidebarBlock].getOutput                                         | 3773              |
 | admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php(3837) : eval()'d code        | [output].templateHooks                                                        | 6                 |
 | admin/sources/classes/output/formats/html/htmlOutput.php                   | [shoutboxGlobalJs].globalTemplate                                             | 312               |
 | admin/sources/classes/output/publicOutput.php                              | [htmlOutput].fetchOutput                                                      | 2967              |
 | admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/boards.php                 | [output].sendOutput                                                           | 124               |
 | admin/sources/base/ipsController.php                                       | [public_forums_forums_boards].doExecute                                       | 306               |

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