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Cand Apare Compendiumul Ti 2015 In Dota 2?

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Conform anuntului de pe blogul oficial al Dota 2, compendiumul destinat celei mai mari competitii de dota din lume, The International 2015, este aproape gata si va fi disponibil incepand cu aceasta saptamana.


"The International is approaching, and that means the Compendium is on its way. This year’s Compendium will also be available later this week, and will be packed with items, and other rewards you won’t be able to find anywhere else. And if you’re eager to know who you can cheer for at The International, keep an eye on this space; we plan to announce which teams will be invited very soon."


In cazul in care stati cu sufletul la gura, verificati zilnic daca compendiumul a devenit disponibil, iar pana in momentul de fata nu ati gasit informatii despre data concreta a aparitiei acestuia, va spun ca cel mai probabil acesta va fi lansat incepand cu data de 1 mai 2015.


De unde am tras aceasta concluzie? Daca nu ma insel, compendiumul de anul trecut a fost lansat tot intr-o zi de vineri (sau vineri spre sambata), dar lasand la o partea aceasta informatie, vechiul "The International 2014 Compendium" neactivat, expira fix pe data de 1 mai 2015:





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