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Salut . De curand am cumparat un nou laptop mai exact de black friday . Am instalat windows 7 ultimate de 64 si ce surpriza descarcat armored warfare versiunea sd nu hd si zicea exact asa :Unsupported video card detected ! Continuing to run might lead to unexpected results or crashes . Please check the manual for further informations on hardware requirements . " " [vendor id = 0x0000, device id = 0x0000]. Si la world of tanks cand dau pe butonul de play mi se stinge launcher-ul si nu se intampla nimic nu se blocheaza dar nici nu se deschide . Eu credeam ca o sa imi mearga decent pentru specificatiile lui ( Intel core i7-4710HQ 3.5 Ghz  , 8 Gb ram si cea care face fite placa care e o nvidia geforce gtx 850m . Nu stiu ce are dar in orice caz daca ma puteti ajuta va multumesc.


  • gaby changed the title to Problema GTX 850m unsupported video card?

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