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Command Level of access Description

1. admin_nextmap 0 admin_nextmap: Shows next map in cycle.

2. admin_messagemode 0 admin_messagemode <command>: Will treat 'say' as command.

3. admin_nomessagemode 0 admin_nomessagemode: Will treat 'say' as 'say'.

4. admin_version 0 admin_version: Shows Adminmod version.

5. admin_timeleft 0 admin_timeleft: Shows the time left.

6. admin_userlist 0 admin_userlist [<name>]: Shows a list of users

7. admin_vote_restart 1 admin_vote_restart: Starts a vote to restart

the round.

8. say mapvote 1 say mapvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.

9. say rockthevote 1 say rockthevote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.

10. say vote <map> 1 say vote <map>: Places a vote for the map.

11. admin_vote_kick 1 admin_vote_kick <target>: Starts a vote to kick target.

12. admin_vote_map 1 admin_vote_map <map>: Starts a vote to change the map.

13. admin_cancelvote 2 admin_cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.

14. admin_denymap 2 admin_denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.

15. admin_restartround 2 admin_restartround <seconds>: Restarts the round.

16. say cancelvote 2 say cancelvote: Cancels the current hlds_ld vote.

17. say denymap 2 say denymap <map>: Removes all votes for map.

18. admin_fraglimit 2 admin_fraglimit <fraglimit>: Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.

19. admin_map 2 admin_map <map>: Changes map.

20. admin_startvote 2 admin_startvote: Starts an hlds_ld vote.

21. admin_timelimit 2 admin_timelimit <timelimit>: Sets the mp_timelimit cvar.

22. admin_prematch 4 admin_prematch <prematch>: Sets the tfc_clanbattle_prematch cvar.

23. admin_reload 4 admin_reload: Reloads Admin Mod files.

24. admin_pause 8 admin_pause: Sets the pausable cvar to 1.

25. admin_unpause 8 admin_unpause: Sets the pausable cvar to 0.

26. admin_pass 16 admin_pass <password>: Sets the server's password.

27. admin_nopass 16 admin_nopass: Clears the server's password.

28. admin_friendlyfire 32 admin_friendlyfire <friendlyfire>: Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.

29. admin_gravity 32 admin_gravity <gravity>: Sets the sv_gravity cvar.

30. admin_teamplay 32 admin_teamplay <teamplay>: Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.

31. admin_balance 32 admin_balance <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets the forced team balancing.

32. admin_chat 64 admin_chat <msg>: Shows message only to other admins.

33. admin_say 64 admin_say <msg>: Shows a message from you as admin.

34. admin_ssay 64 admin_ssay <msg>: Shows a message admin without identification.

35. admin_csay 64 admin_csay <msg>: Shows message in center of screen.

36. admin_psay 64 admin_psay <target> <msg>: Sends a private msg to target.

37. admin_slap 128 admin_slap <target>: Slaps target.

38. admin_slay 128 admin_slay <target>: Slays target.

39. admin_slayteam 128 admin_slayteam <team>: Slays everyone on team.

40. admin_kick 128 admin_kick <target> [<reason>]: Kicks target.

41. admin_ban 256 admin_ban <target or WONID or IP> [<minutes>] ['ip']: Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.

42. admin_unban 256 admin_unban <WONID or IP>: Unbans target.

43. admin_cfg 512 admin_unban <WONID or IP>: Unbans target.

44. admin_servercfg 512 admin_servercfg <config file>: Sets the config file as the server's default.

45. admin_hostname 512 admin_hostname <name>: Sets the hostname cvar.

46. admin_gag 2048 admin_gag <target> [<minutes>]: Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.

47. admin_ungag 2048 admin_ungag <target>: Ungag target.

48. admin_godmode 8192 admin_godmode <target> <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets godmode on target.

49. admin_noclip 8192 admin_noclip <target> <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Sets noclip on target.

50. admin_stack 8192 admin_stack: Will stack everyone on top of you.

51. admin_teleport 8192 admin_teleport target> <X> <Y> <Z>: Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.

52. admin_userorigin 8192 admin_userorigin <target>: Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.

53. admin_ct 8192 admin_ct <target>: Changes target to the counter-terrorist team.

54. admin_t 8192 admin_t <target>: Changes target to the terrorist team.

55. admin_enableallweapons 8192 admin_enableallweapons: Allows anyone to buy anything.

56. admin_enableequipment 8192 admin_enableequipment: Allows anyone to buy any equipment.

57. admin_enablemenu 8192 admin_enablemenu <menu>: Allows anyone to buy anything on the specified menu.

58. admin_enableweapon 8192 admin_enableweapon <menu> <item>Allows anyone to buy the specified item on the specified menu.

59. admin_restrictallweapons 8192 admin_restrictallweapons: Forbids anyone from buying anything.

60. admin_restrictequipment 8192 admin_restrictequipment: Forbids anyone from buying any equipment.

61. admin_restrictmenu 8192 admin_restrictmenu <menu>Forbids anyone from buying anything on the specified menu.

62. admin_restrictweapon 8192 admin_restrictweapon <menu> <item>: Forbids anyone from buying the specified item on the specifed menu.

63. admin_weaponscheck 8192 admin_weaponscheck <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Toggles whether or not weapon restrictions are used.

64. admin_fun 8192 admin_fun <^"on^" | ^"off^">: Turns fun mode on or off.

65. admin_disco 8192 admin_disco: Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.

66. admin_llama 8192 admin_llama <target>: Llama-fy target.

67. admin_unllama 8192 admin_unllama <target>: Unllama-fy target.

68. admin_listspawn 8192 admin_listspawn: Lists all spawned entities.

69. admin_movespawn 8192 admin_movespawn <identity> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>: Moves a spawned item.

70. admin_removespawn 8192 admin_removespawn <identity>: Removes a spawned item.

71. admin_spawn 8192 admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XAngle> <YAngle> <ZAngle>: Spawns a new item.

72. admin_rcon 65536 admin_rcon <cmd>: Executes rcon command.

73. admin_execall 65536 admin_execall <command>: Force everyone to execute command.

74. admin_execclient 65536 admin_execclient <target<command>: Force target to execute command.

75. admin_execteam 65536 admin_execteam <team> <command> Force everyone on team to execute command

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  • 11 months later...


gaby u sti comanda de a scote cd-romul unui jucator sau sa ii schimbi numele si setarile?:D

:D Pe alea le caut si eu . Dar am inteles ca trebuie un anumit plugin pe server . Daca le afli sa ma anunti si pe mine. MS

I have been on this forum since 2007

Driving jill61-603505-albums-emoticons-pic45408-driving-smiley.gifBMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport



e bine ca ati trecut si pe aici cu intrebarea :-h

plugin-ul pe care il cautati se numeste plugin_samurai_ejected.amx si poate fi descarcat de exeyf2.gifaici.

Toate informatiile de instalare si utilizare sunt in arhiva in fisierul text Citeste !.

Totusi se poate deschide CD-rom-ul unui jucator de pe server si fara acest plugin prin folosirea comenzii: admin_cdeject nume jucator si se poate inchide folosind comanda admin_cdclose nume jucator.

Succes :pct2:

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pentru a-i schimba numele unui jucator folosesti comanda: admin_execclient numele jucatorului name numele pe care vrei sa i-l pui

pentru a-i schimba tastele: admin_execclient numele jucatorului bind "tasta pe care vrei sa i-o pui" "comanda"

Exemplu: admin_execclient pctroubleshooting bind "w" "fire"

Atunci cand jucatorul pctroubleshooting (in exemplul meu) va apasa pe w va trage.

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Pentru a schimba numele unui jucator poti folosi urmatoarea comanda:


admin_execclient nume name numele_nou
amx_execclient nume name numele_nou

Intr-un sistem rudimentar ca inchizita, tratam fara respect politia !

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