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Detalii extensie bat:

In DOS, OS/2, and Microsoft Windows, a batch file is a text file containing a series of commands intended to be executed by the command interpreter. When a batch file is run, the shell program (usually COMMAND.COM or cmd.exe) reads the file and executes its commands, normally line-by-line. Batch files are useful for running a sequence of executables automatically and are often used by system administrators to automate tedious processes.

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Detalii extensie exe:

EXE is the common filename extension denoting an executable file (a program) in the DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, ReactOS, and OS/2 operating systems. Besides the executable program itself, many EXE files contain other components called resources, such as bitmaps and icons which the executable program may use for its graphical user interface.

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Pentru a convertii un fisier de extensie .bat in unul de extensie .exe downloadati programelul bat2exe de aici: :link:

Cum se foloseste bat2exe?

- puneti batch file-ul in acelasi folder cu bat2exe.exe

- navigati in command prompt pana la folderul respectiv (de exemplu, aveti folderul pe desktop, navigati asa: cd desktop (dati enter) apoi cd Bat2Exe) si apoi scrieti: bat2exe nume_fisier_bat.bat (bat2ex(spatiu)nume_fisier_bat.bat

Ar mai fi si metoda folosirii unui program pe care va trebui sa il instalati, dar va fi ceva mai usor de folosit, doar selectati fisierul si dati Convert to exe; dar va trebui sa instalati programul.

Programul se numeste Bat To Exe Converter si poate fi downloadat de aici: :link:

Prima metoda este mai comoda :D, dar ambele sunt valabile.

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