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Warcraft III ROC (reign of chaos) - ENGLISH

greedisgood: Get 500 wood and gold

iseedeadpeople: Full map

somebodysetusupthebomb: Instant failure

thereisnospoon: Infinite Mana

whosyourdaddy: Invincibility, one-hit kills

motherland (race) (#) - Level select * 1

strengthandhonor: Keep playing after losing in campaign mode * 1

greedisgood (#): # of gold and lumber * 1

keysersoze (#): # of gold * 1

leafittome (#): # of lumber * 1

iocainepowder: Fast death * 1

pointbreak: Build over food limit * 1

whoisjohngalt: Fast research * 1

sharpandshiny: All upgrades * 1

synergy: Tech tree unlocked * 1

riseandshine: Set time to morning * 1

lightsout: Set time to evening * 1

daylightsavings (time): Set time of day * 1

itvexesme: Disable victory conditions * 1

thedudeabides: Fast spell cooldown * 1

daylightsavings: Day/night transitions * 2

warpten: Fast build * 3

Unlock Extra Ending:

Beat the Night Elf campaign on the HARD level setting and after the original ending (with all the outtakes) a Starcraft battle takes place using the Warcraft III 3-D graphics engine.

Easter Egg: Hydralisk:

In the second Night Elf mission in the campaign mode (Chapter 2: Daughters of the Moon) you can find a Hydralisk at the top of the map, slightly to the left of the top right fountain of life. The easiest way to find it is to create an owl scout and fly it up towards the fountain and then move left along the top of the map until you see it. I don't think it is possible to fight it, but it is a nice easter egg for Starcraft fans.

Warcraft III TFT (the frozen throne) - ENGLISH

Instant Win - allyourbasearebelongtous

Instant Loss - somebodysetusupthebomb

View map - iseedeadpeople

Continue after death - strengthandhonor

Units do not need farms - pointbreak

Instant spell - thedudeabides

Turn off Tech-Tree - synergy

Turn off Victory - itvexesme

Invulnerability - whosyourdaddy

Gain # of Lumber - leafittome #

Lumber and Gold - greedisgood #

Gold - keysersoze #

Level select - motherland [race] [level]

Instant doom - iocainepowder

Quick research - whoisjohngalt

Research all upgrades - sharpandshiny

Morning - riseandshine

Infinite mana - thereisnospoon

Daytime - daylightsavings <1-24>

Night - lightsout

Time Passes - daylightsavings

Fast Build - warpten

No Trees - abrakadabra

L10 Allied Units - ihavethepower

*pt frozen throne se pot folosi cheaturi si din reign of chaos , de ex poti folosi greedisgood 99999 , whosyourdaddy , thereisnospoon etc.

*pentru a scrie cheaturile apasati enter , in timp ce jucati la single player

Nu-ti risca viata pentru niste fise

Nici daca pare c-ai in fata usi inchise

Tine doar de tine ca prin fapte si cuvinte zise

Sa te-apropii de ce numesti acum vise.

  • 1 year later...

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