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Vand Sistem Intel Pentium 4+monitor Lcd.

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Vand Intel Pentium 4 cu procesor de 3 G/hz, memorie ddr 512mb, hdd 120 G,placa de baza FOX CONN (IBM),COOLER INTEL super silentios, sursa de 380 W,carcasa black, 2 mufe usb frontale si audio,mouse optic,dvd writer LG, multispeed,flopy, fire wire 1394, eu l-am avut de nou . Are 1,5ani de utilizare, cam 1,5-2 ore pe zi.

Pret 600 ron neg.

Monitor LG FLATRON L1919S, argintiu, 19`,in garantie pina in 02 2010.

pret neg 390 ron.

Il vand pt ca vreau mobilitate si ma intereseza un laptop,pt diagnoze auto, daca vrea cineva la schimb+diferenta, daca necesita.

Ma intereseza IBM, DELL, TOSHIBA, HP, ACER.

Transport gratuit, oriunde in tara.

Tel; 0752356647.

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