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Daca v-ati uitat parola de log-are in Windows XP, ei bine, o sa va prezint o metoda prin care puteti reseta aceasta parola.


  • Pentru inceput intrati pe un alt calculator ce are acces la internet. Descarcati Windows Password Reset Tool. Puneti imaginea .ISO pe un CD.
  • Introduceti CD-ul creat in calculatorul blocat.
  • Restartati calculatorul blocat si apoi urmeati intstructiunile ce va vor aparea pe ecran, si parola va fi stearsa.
  • Mergeti in Control Panel si setati o noua parola sau lasati calculatorul asa cum este (neparolat).

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  • 3 weeks later...


Nu trebuie sa sti mare lucru pentru utilizarea acestul program. Acesta trebuie pur si simplu pus pe un CD, apoi restartezi calculatorul, acesta va boota de pe CD, si de acolo iti spune programul ce sa faci.

O alta metoda asemanatoare tot cu un live CD, este prin folosirea: Petter Nordhal-Hagen's NT Password & Registry Editor: http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/ (testat)

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Compare to many password recovery solutions. Following solution is the best and the easiest one.

1.Download Windows Password Unlocker from Password Unlocker Official site http://www.passwordunlocker.com/products/wpu.html .

2.Decompress the Windows password unlocker and note that there is an .ISO image file. Burn the image file onto an blank CD with the burner freely supported by Password Unlocker.

3.Insert the newly created CD into the locked computer and re-boot it from the CD drive.

4.After launched the CD, a window pop up with all your account names(if you have several accounts); select one of the accounts that you have forgotten its password to reset it. Just one press, you have removed the password.

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