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Everything posted by FML

  1. The UK government has released a discouraging report, showing that only 25% of people working in the technology sector are women, a number that’s actually gone down over the past ten years. The UK government report, published by the Commission for Employment and Skills, looked at opportunities and challenges in the digital sector, and found that the number of women in the field has declined from 33% in 2002 down to 25% today. That means that half of the population is severely underrepresented in one of the fastest growing fields of this century, and one that’s often heralded as the principle job market of the future. This is despite’ the field’s overall growth and the numerous statements by companies and governments alike that are seemingly promoting STEM education to young girls and women. It’s also despite the fact that, according to this report, the industry will need an additional 1.2 million people to fill jobs by 2022. As for the causes, they seem to be many and complex. The Register, which first covered this report, blames “dick-swinging bearded hipsters”, though we’d argue hostile work environments, societal prejudices and inane comments are likely a bit closer to the mark. Still, whatever the causes, it’s clear that the sector has a big problem overall. Google, for example, admitted that only 17% of its workforce was female. Microsoft is seemingly doing better, at 28%, though filtering that by tech-only jobs results in a laughable 16.6%. Interestingly enough, Microsoft just announced a new partnership with the Scottish government to address some of these issues. Whether this time it works, remains to be seen. Here’s hoping this improves, and sooner rather than later. We've asked Microsoft for comment on this story and will update this article with their reply. Source: Gov.uk via: The Register | Image via Microsoft P.S:And my dream about having a techy girlfriend is over.
  2. Te poti documenta pe:http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/mobile-phone/how-use-your-smartphone-as-wi-fi-hotspot-ios-android-windows-phone-3441165/.
  3. Conectezi telefonul la PC,prin USB. Realizezi un hotspot Wi-Fi de pe telefon. Te conectezi la el cu ajutorul PC-ului Done.
  4. Deci,eu l-am deschis abia cu cateva minute in urma,dupa ce l-am vazut pe Kronos acolo.
  5. ​Pai era inchis,dar nu inteleg cum a postat...el nefiind Ambasador/Moderator...Vreo idee? Si mai straniu,eu il rugasem pe Gaby sa stearga topicul asta.
  6. Intr-adevar,l-am redeschis. Ca vad ca si cu el inchis,Kronos tot a reusit sa dea reply. Era/este si el cu cateva dintre accese?
  7. ​Eh,acu' nu ne lasa in suspans... ​Mersi. Desi,nu-i ciudat ca urezi asta cuiva care a venit inaintea ta?
  8. Incercarea moarte n-are...
  9. ​Ce ti se pare ca realizezi cu genul asta de replici? Lumea incearca sa te ajute,nu sa te opreasca. Esti liber sa faci ce doresti,dar deocamndata,ceea ce faci nu duce la nimic bun. Regards.
  10. ​Atunci ce mai cauti sa recrutezi staff de pe alte comunitati?
  11. ​Cu atitudinea de mai sus nu ajungi nicaieri.
  12. ​Bravo. Awesome,just awesome. P.S:As ajuta eu pe-acolo dar nu stiu daca se poate mai mult de cateva minute/saptamana.
  13. D'aia-i moarta formula... N-am inteles ultima parte,dar incerc sa reiau pas cu pas,ca sa vezi unde nu-i bine. 970 = Pi(1+30/100)(1+25/100). 30/100 si 25/100 sunt fractii. Ori,ca sa aduni 2 fractii,ai nevoie de numitor comun. Deci,1 ala,il amplific cu 100 si-mi da 100. Nu mai scriu numitorul daca-i comun. am 970 = Pi(100+30)(100+25) deci 970 = Pi(130)(125) Pi = 970/(130x125). Nu asa?
  14. Asa m-am gandit si eu inainte sa ne predea,dar dupa,ne-a trantit formula de mai sus cu completarea ca e singurul fel cand se rezolva corect.
  15. Asta a fost penultima lectie de anul asta. Pf = Pi (1+p/100)(1+q/100) - 2x scumpire [bineinteles,daca pun ''-'' voi avea de calculat de 2x o ieftinire]. Boon,toate bune si frumaose dar daca ma apuc sa calculez nu mere mai nimic. Ex:Pf = 970 RON El,inainte sa fi ajuns asa,a avut parte de o scumpire cu 30% si mai apoi cu 25%. Pi = ? 970 = Pi(1+30/100) + (1+25/100). In paranteza as aduce la numitor comun. 970 = 130Pi + 125 Pi = 155Pi Pi = 970/155 E bine asa?
  16. PCTroubleshooting nu incurajeaza pirateria.
  17. Sa se demonstreze ca exista Teorema lui Pitagora* in urmatorul caz. * (IP^2 = c1^2 + c2^2) Se da triunghiul ABC,avand coord. A(1,7) B(-1,41) C(11,11) Mie-mi par ciudate laturile care le-am obtinut.** ** (AB,AC,BC) Formula fol. = ex. pt. AB = (XB-XA) + (YB-YA) - Totul sub radical. As vrea sa vad ce trebuie sa iasa ca eu inlocuind am ajuns la valori care nu-mi plac. Multumesc anticipat.
  18. Daca deti o licenta de Windows 7 activa,iti poti descarca imaginea .ISO aferenta versiunii achizitionate impreuna cu licenta,chiar de la Microsoft:http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-recovery.
  19. And look how this thread is a bullsh....you know...
  20. a venit pe stada nr.6 din colt.
  21. Am avut Gigabyte GT 210,rula ok,e drept ca era pe 64 bits,dar...Pacat ca incepuse sa faca nazuri la drivere. Daca vrea una din cele 2,NVIDIA e alegerea mai echitabila aici.
  22. Inteleg. Pai sa verifice mai intai,asa-i cel mai bine. Spre exemplu,WP 10 necesita 512 MB RAM. Dar,am vazut cazuri cand unele dispozitive o luau razna din cauza procesorului Atom [la tablete] si Tegra-urile o dadeau in gropi [telefoane si tablete].
  23. Conteaza si restul componentelor. Este foarte greu sa le zici,asa-i?
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