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Everything posted by FML

  1. Pana acum,cel mai bun ar fi un XBOX One. Ar avea performanta hardware desavarsita si...in functie de preferinte,jocurile de pe 360,care vor capata o alta forma sub tutela noii console Microsoft... Cum zicea si colegul de mai sus,jocurile de pe XBOX 360 ar fi si mai putin costisitoare... Acum,totul depinde de tine. Mentionasem preferintele tale la capitolul jocuri,caci,momentan,Microsoft se gandeste sa porteze doar cateva dintre jocurile care au fost pentru XBOX 360...iar tie poate nu-ti plac,etc. Daca luam in calcul varianta cu emulator (via GOH) atunci,ceea ce va face Microsoft nu prea mai conteaza. Avand in vedere ca si eu planuisem cu putin timp in urma sa achizitionez o consola,iti sugerez sa calculezi totul cu rabdare,caci...Unele dezavantaje pot cantari mai mult decat avantajele aparent ''imbatabile''. Succes!
  2. La faza cu incalzirea si raportul pret-performanta nu te contrazic. Uhm...Daca nu ma insel...(si nu cred ca o fac) Microsoft anuntase ca noua lor consola,XBOX One,va rula jocurile consolei anterioare. http://www.neowin.net/news/you-can-now-vote-for-the-xbox-360-games-you-want-to-play-on-your-xbox-one
  3. Asta-i un stereotip mai vechi decat Casa Poporului... E drept ca,la bugetul asta,in comparatie cu 1 Desktop din aceeasi gama,laptop-urile mai scartaie nitel... Dar,au scos Asus niste laptop-uri cu concepte tip desktop de...Numai bani sa ai... E cat o masina SH (vorbim totusi de ceva lansat anul asta)...
  4. Calm,brother. Iar incepi?
  5. Eu zic ca gasesti. Cauta pe site-uri gen compari.ro. E imposibil sa nu gasesti ceva pana-n 1500 RON...
  6. I know that,pretty funny,huh? If it makes any sense...I don't know...But,many of your age are immature and so,that's why,depending on the case,it may make sense or not...
  7. Uita-te pe aici...Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock [closed] https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/mysql-stopped-and-i-can-t-restart-it http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/can't-connect-to-local-mysql-server-through-socket-'-var-run-mysqld-mysqld-sock'-753632/
  8. Well,yea...But then,the incertitude came off making me being unsure about if they change something or not...(maybe they just make us to believe it)...
  9. Ah,that's fine,believe me or not,people use it so,you just haven't seen that until now. Trust me,it did happen all the time for me...Things change...New generations are here and they are changing everything in their way,likely or not. I heard ''thug'',on TV,coming from a cop's child...(and the movie was inspired by reality)... It's like,just because you haven't met the pain yet,it doesn't mean it isn't real...
  10. Am dat play doar pentru Lucy.
  11. I see your point of view,but...I can't understand how on the earth you haven't heard a ''thug!'' coming from a cop (about a villain).
  12. And games,let's not forget about games we played with a weird feeling of not understanding what they've wanted us to do.
  13. It's like you were saying ''just because you've just eaten doesn't mean you have something in your belly...'' But I wasn't meant English,you seem to find even my Romanian colloquial expressions kind of weird...Nobody else had such a reaction...
  14. That's my way of thinking...I had no trouble with native speakers...(who knows if they were from a drug cartel or not )
  15. Let me tell you what I meant:Usually,those who work for the law's order keep calling the others ''thugs'' (bad-asses). Well,actually,the colloquial therms are used among the ones from the dictionary...
  16. Articles about Linux,of course...
  17. A thug isn't someone that we use to call (metaphoric) a dirty ''worm''?
  18. FML

    Poezie IT

    Foarte frumos. Pune acel ''scrim'' in ghilimele,e mai amuzant.
  19. De Rufus ai auzit? Hai pe chat-ul de aici,te ajut mai usor asa. http://pctroubleshooting.ro/chat/ - aici este chat-ul acestei comunitati.
  20. N-are nimic,atata timp cat stick-ul USB este bootabil.
  21. Mie-mi pare Windows-ul busit. Eu as face o reformatare.
  22. Aia am inteles,dar o '','' sau 1 ''/'',poate acel ''&'',n-a omorat pe nimeni. Ma gandeam ca a aparut Windows-OSX. (l-a cum a scris el,asa se intelege)
  23. How about making my owns?
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