Bună ziua, Am această problemă : Error: Can not write to directory: "cache/lang_cache", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "cache/lang_cache/1", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "cache/skin_cache/system", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "public/style_images", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "hooks", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "uploads", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to directory: "uploads/profile", please CHMOD to 777
Error: Can not write to file: "conf_global.php", please CHMOD to 777
M-am uitat prin tutoriale dar nu știu unde să ma uit , unde să bag... Vă rog, spuneti-mi unde să caut , unde să modific ,