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Everything posted by Aepxx

  1. Aepxx

    Vreau sa editez ceva

    Nu e in Global Template Am cautat si am Folosit si CTRL + F
  2. Mai exact de unde?
  3. Xbox one Parerea mea - Merge foarte bine
  4. Aepxx

    Vreau sa editez ceva

    Cum modific aceste Informatii ?
  5. Nu cred
  6. Unde pun : extension=mysql.so
  7. Imi da aceasta erroare cand Instalez Ip.Board - Warning: You do not have the mysql or mysqli PHP extension installed. You must install one of these PHP extensions before you can continue.
  8. Acuma nush ce are, nu imi merge nici Formu Ai putea sa ma ajuti tu? Iti dau datele necesare Da-mi Skype/Fb/Discord in PM Imi da aceasta erroare cand accesz forumul We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. Access denied for user 'cspower_forum'@'localhost' (using password: YES) You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.
  9. Imi da Erroare cand il Instalez
  10. Ms T/C
  11. Vreau sa arate culoare la grad la un Topic -- mie imi arata cu Alb unde scrie By Apex
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