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Sunt un fan al filmelor Horror/Thriller,Politist + Mystery. Ma uitam pe Filelist si am gasit 2 filme,unul dintre ele fiind acesta I spit on your grave : Unrated.

O mica descriere in engleza :

Writer Jennifer Hills (Butler) takes a retreat from the city to a charming cabin in the woods to start on her next book. But Jennifer's presence in the small town attracts the attention of a few morally deprived locals who set out one night to teach this city girl a lesson. They break into her cabin to scare her. However, what starts out as terrifying acts of humiliation and intimidation, quickly and uncontrollably escalates into a night of physical abuse and torturous assault. But before they can kill her, Jennifer sacrifices her broken and beaten body to a raging river that washes her away. As time passes, the men slowly stop searching for her body and try to go back to life as usual. But that isn't about to happen. Against all odds, Jennifer Hills survived her ordeal. Now, with hell bent vengeance, Jennifer's sole purpose is to turn the tables on these animals and to inflict upon them every horrifying and torturous moment they carried out on her... only much, much worse.

Am sa incerc sa spun si in romana,pe scurt :

Este vorba despre o fata pe nume Jennifer Hills (scriitoare),care alege sa scrie o carte undeva "la sat",la o cabana veche.Ajunsa acolo,isi incepe treaba (avea de gand sa stea in jur de 2 luni). Dupa 2,3 zile este atacata,violata,chinuita de 5 indivizi (Stanley,Matthew-un tip cu handicap-,Storch-seriful-,Johnny si Andy).Reusind sa scape,dupa aproximativ o luna se intoarce,desigur,sa se razbune.Aceasta ii va tortura pe cei 4 (pe Matthew il va lasa in viata,avand in vedere ca a fost fortat de catre ceilalti sa o violeze si sa asiste la intamplari) ... intr-un stil foarte sadic.

Dupa cum spuneam,sunt un fan al filmelor de acest gen (pare ciudat,dar chiar sunt:D ; imi plac filmele pline de mister,filmele in care politia este pusa la treaba de catre 1 maniac sau mai multi:D),insa acest film chiar m-a "ingrozit".Pur si simplu ma uitam si parca simteam pe pielea mea ce vad acolo ... EWWWW. Am vazut foarte multe filme Horror/Crima/Thriller etc. insa asta mi s-a parut ... prea "hardcore" :D.

Pentru cei carora le plac filmele de acest gen,vi-l recomand ! :D

PS : Celalt film se numeste Law Abiding Citizen. Este ceva asemanator,insa nu chiar asa de sadic + ceva mai multa actiune.



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