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Coduri Call Of Duty Black Ops - Trainer / Cheat Codes

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Pentru cei carora le place sa triseze, ori s-au impotmolit la vreo misiune (cu toate ca nu cred ca este cazul la acest joc) si nu pot trece decat cu niste mici smecherii, ici colo, iata mai jos niste cheat-uri pentru Call of Duty Black Ops:

CIA Database Computer Codes

On the Main Menu, and press the [Aim] and [shoot] buttons repeatedly about five times and you'll break free of your interrogation chair. When you get up, walk around behind you to a computer and use the following codes on it:


HELP - Displays a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access.

DOA - Activate Dead Ops Arcade.

3ARC INTEL - Unlock all Intel in the game for viewing.

3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode.

ZORK - Unlock Zork I: The Great Underground Adventure (a text adventure game from 1980) for play in Black Ops.

DIR - Get a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command (e.g. CAT NoteX.txt).

WHO - Get a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function (but they require a password).

CAT - List all of your audio files and pictures.

LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password (see below).

ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cypher.

DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cypher.

DIR - Display the contents of the current directory.

LS - Display the contents of the current directory.

MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.

PRINT - Print or show the contents of a file.

FOOBAR - Show the following text on the terminal: "Fee Fie Foe Foo!".

ALICIA - Start Alicia, a virtual therapist.

RLOGIN dreamland - Remote login to Dreamland server using username/passwords (see below).


Login as Bruce Harris - Username: bharris, Password: goskins

Login as D. King - Username: dking, Password: mfk

Login as Adrienne Smith - Username: asmith, Password: roxy

Login as Vannevar Bush - Username: vbush, Password: manhattan

Login as Frank Woods - Username: fwoods, Password: philly

Login as Grigori "Greg" Weaver - Username: gweaver, Password: gedeon

Login as J. Turner - Username: Jturner, Password: condor75

Login as Jason Hudson - Username: jhudson, Password: bryant1950

Login as John McCone - Username: jmccone, Password: berkley22

Login as Joseph Bowman - Username: jbowman, Password: uwd

Login as John F. Kennedy - Username: jfkennedy, Password: lancer

Login as Lyndon B. Johnson - Username: lbjohnson, Password: ladybird

Login as Richard Nixon - Username: rnixon, Password: checkers

Login as Richard Helms - Username: rhelms, Password: lerosey

Login as Richard Kain - Username: rkain, Password: sunwu

Login as Ryan Jackson - Username: rjackson, Password: saintbridget

Login as T. Walker - Username: twalker, Password: radi0

Login as Terrance Brooks - Username: tbrooks, Password: lauren

Login as William Raborn - Username: wraborn, Password: bromlow

Rlogin to Dreamland as Robert Oppen: Username: roppen, Password: trinity

Rlogin to Dreamland as Vannevar Bush: Username: vbush, Password: majestic1

Console Codes

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "players" directory in the game folder. Change the value of the seta monkeytoy "1" line to seta monkeytoy "0". Save the file, then change its attributes to read-only.

Press [~] while playing the single player game and use the following codes:

/god - God Mode.

/devmap zombie_theater - Load Kino Der Toten map.

/devmap zombie_pentagon - Load Pentagon map.

/demigod - Juggernaut.

/give ammo - Ammunition.

/noclip - No clipping mode.

/ufo - Flight mode.

/give all - Extra weapons.

/g_speed # - Set player speed to #.

/player_sustainammo - Unlimited ammunition.

cg_drawfps 1 - Show framerate.

Sau, pentru cei care sunt obisnuiti cu trainerele, avem si d-astea:

Download Call of Duty Black Ops Trainer: :link:

Trainer Options:

F12 > Enable Trainer

NUMPAD1 > Infinite Ammo and Grenades

NUMPAD2 > Infinite Health

NUMPAD3 > Super Speed

NUMPAD4 > Super Jump

F1 > Save Position

F2 > Restore Position

NUMPAD5 > Super Accuracy

NUMPAD6 > No-Recoil

NUMPAD7 > Rapid Fire

F3 > Toggle No Weapon Overheating

NUMPAD8 > Toggle One Hit Kill

NUMPAD9 > Toggle Translocation Ammo

NUMPAD0 > Disable Grenade Impact

DIVIDE > Toggle Super Throw

MULTIPLY > Super Grenade Impact

F4 > Restore Grenade Impact

Succes :pct2: !

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