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se poate schimba placa video la acest laptop?(sau mai bine zis, adauga placa video).

Pe net,din cate am inteles, am citit ca nu poti upgrada placa video si procesorul(procepus pentru ca nu are socket, fiind montat direct pe placa de baza) dar cu placa video nu mam lamurit.

Imi poate zice cineva? Are o placa slabuta de 16MB si la vizionarea filmelor merge sacadat.

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


Tot din articole citite pe internet, as zice ca nu:

I found the performance on the X31 very snappy. Of course, this is after I upgraded to 1.5 gigs of RAM and a 7200 rpm HD. I basically tried to eliminate any bottlenecks that I could think of. Of course, since I cannot upgrade the video card, it stayed. In normal Windows operation the video card doesn't matter too much, games such as Starcraft and Warcraft 3 work fine but don't expect to go to a Half-Life 2 or Doom 3 LAN party with this machine. Boot up time, with my configuration, is about 30 seconds and applications are very quick to open. For example, Adobe Photoshop loads in less than 5 seconds and Microsoft Word will take 3 sec the first time it loads. Overall, it is on par with a 2.x Ghz P4 desktop.

Totusi, acest tip spune ca jocuri precum Starcraft si Warcraft 3 ruleaza ok. Ma intreb de ce vizionarea filmelor nu ar fi si ea ok :-?...

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da, asta am citit si eu, dar nu zicea dc. asa ca nah..

pai aia ma intreb si eu. drivere la zi, windows 7 (ruleaza mai bine decat pe xp)...

daca ma uit la un film in format dvd, imaginea incepe sa mearga mai lent decat sonoru, iar la AVI se blocheaza putin din cand in cand (nu foarte tare, filmu ramane vizionabil, doar ca e enervant :P )

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

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