+lolek Posted June 8, 2007 Report Posted June 8, 2007 Am si eu o problema in PC .. In Octombire mi-am cumparat un PC NOu ... ajea pana aici totul e bun .. pe acte scire k e placa video de 128 MB .. ajea dar "dxdiag-ul" il vede k e de 32 MB Eu am jucat pe el asa fara probleme: GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City FarCry NFS MostWantede NFS Carbon Sims 2 Counter-Strike 1.6 Counter-Strike Source Fifa 07 Uefa Champions. .. 2007 World Of Warcraft Blood Rayne 2 si ink multe altele care necesita mult si tin sa zic ca se miscau destul de bine chiar forate bine pot afla din alta arte ca eu din cate stiu ca GTA San Andreas FarCry MostWantede Carbon WoW necesita placa buna I have been on this forum since 2007 Driving BMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport
gaby Posted June 9, 2007 Report Posted June 9, 2007 Gta San Andreas, Cerinte: Minimum Hardware 1Ghz Pentium III or AMD Athlon Processor 256MB of RAM 8-Speed DVD-ROM drive 3.6GB of free hard disk space (minimal install) 64MB Video Card (Geforce 3 or better) DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card Keyboard & Mouse Recommended Hardware Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP Processor 384MB of RAM (the more the better!) 16-Speed DVD-ROM drive 4.7GB of free hard disk space (full install) 128MB (or greater) Video Card (Geforce 6 Series Recommended) DirectX 9 compatible Sound Card (Sound Blaster Auidgy 2 Recommended) Gamepad with twin axis analog controls Keyboard & Mouse Far cry, cerinte: Minimum Requirements: 1GHz P3 or Athlon 256MB RAM 64MB 3D card 4GB hard drive space Recommended Requirements: 2GHz P4 or Athlon XP 2000+ 512MB RAM 128MB DirectX 9.0 3D card Nfs Most wanted, Cerinte: suggested system requirements: Pentium 4 1.4 GHz, 256MB RAM, graphic card 32MB (GeForce 2 or better), 3 GB HDD. Nfs Carbon, Cerinte: suggested system requirements: Pentium 4 1.7 GHz, 512 MB RAM, graphic card 64MB (GeForce 4 or better), 5.3 GB HDD, Windows 2000/XP. WoW, Cerinte: CPU type & speed: PIII 800MHz or AMD Athlon 800 MHz Operating system: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP PC Requirements: 256MB RAM & 4GB Hard Disk Space Video Card: 32MB 3D graphics card !!! Cred ca iti dai seama din cele spuse mai sus daca necestia placa buna sau nu Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti. Cum pot sustine forumul? Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link. --------------------
+lolek Posted June 9, 2007 Author Report Posted June 9, 2007 da dar am jucat si jocuri muuulte mai mari .. Half Life 2 ... care m-a intrebat lume ce placa ai ma 32MB si zice nu iti mere si mi-au mers chiar foarte bine poate sa fie placa mai mare si sa imi arate gresit ? I have been on this forum since 2007 Driving BMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport
boboS Posted June 9, 2007 Report Posted June 9, 2007 Man important e cu cate cadre merge jocul, ca stiu ca placa ta parca suporta si Pixel Shader 3.0, si deci ar trebui sa porneasca orice joc disponibil pe piata (in afara de cele Dx10 evident). Si sormea are la comp placa video incorporata de 32Mb Via Chrome nush cum si ii porneste Sims2 dar merge atat de intepat incat debia apuci sa mai iesi din joc. Downlaodeaza FRAPPS http://www2.fraps.com/setup.exe lasa-l in tray si intra intr-un joc care il ai, seteaza de preferat totul maxim si ne zici ce setari ai avut (rezolutie, calitatea texturilor etc..) si faci un PRINT SCREEN cand joci si o sa apara in colt si cate cadre pe secunda ai. PS: Half Life 2 nu e joc "mare". Are trei nivele de rendering: DirectX7, DirectX 8.1 si DirectX 9. La fiecare nivel isi schimba detaliile pe care le are automat. Spre exemplu in Dx7 nu o sa vezi iarba si apa cu reflexii. Deci e FOARTE scalabil si merge bine chiar si pe un Geforce4 MX. As your ship is going down Ill stand by and wach you drown Remember kids...the more you post the geeker you get.
+lolek Posted June 13, 2007 Author Report Posted June 13, 2007 Gata am aflat placa video este de 128 dar ea din BIOS este de 32MB ... I have been on this forum since 2007 Driving BMW 318i and Dacia 1310 Sport
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