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Salut, am la un procesor de 2.8 ghz intel celeron 335 e normal ca temperatura sa fie la 67C minim ?Am instalat si cam toate sunt ridicate, calculatorul are fanul dp. procesor si cel dp. carcasa

Are remote1 62C, ambient 42, remote2 40 remote3 54 HDD1 39 HDD0 44 si temp1 67

Eu m-am gandit fiind ca calcualtorul este vechi caldurile sunt normale dar din cate am vazut pe internet n-ar prea fi, dar daca am calculatorul de atata vreme si nu s-a ars oare nu atata e normal ?

App la unele imi arata cu sageata albastru in jos, insemnand ca e prea rece ? se paote sa se strice daca unele piese ramana la 37-39C ? :) sau e nevoe de 5-12C ?

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please remember that hardware monitors chips have some pins (small connectors) that should be connected to some additional hardware (temperature probes, thermistors or thermocouples) in order to be able to read temperatures. Only a few hardware monitor chips do label their connectors with "CPU", "System" and the like. Most of them use labels like "Temp1", "Local" or "Remote". Hardware manufacturers connect available pins to different temperature sensors basically according to the physical placement of components on the motherboard. This means that the same chip, an ITE IT8712F, for example, might be connected to a sensor diode measuring CPU temperature on Temp2 and, on a different hardware, it might be connected on Temp1. If you have a "Local" sensor and a "Remote" labeled one, this usually means that "Local" is the temperature of the monitor chip itself and "Remote" is the temperature read from a "remote" probe. When you have properly identified which temperature sensor is which, try to lower the speed of each fan and look at reported speed and temperatures. This way you can match PWM controls (speeds) with fans. please, note that if you do not allow SpeedFan to change any fan speed and set all the speeds too low, then SpeedFan won't be able to avoid overheating.

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thx, m-a ajutat mult :)

app la speedfan, daca dau totul la 100% aud ventilatoarele cum incep sa mearga si creste rpm dar dupa cateva secunde revin la viteza initiala 1500-2500 rpm iar si cand calculatorul incepe sa se incalzeasca ele tot asa raman doar cateodata isi cresc ele rpm-ul dar tot pentru cateva secunde.

Caldura la care ele sa-si mareasca singure puterea se seteaza din bios ?Daca bifez la speedfan "Autmatic fan speed" el mi le tine pe toate la 12% si n-am vazut sa le ridice

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In BIOS, la setarile de Power Management exista optiuni pentru temperatura la care vrei sa functioneze procesorul. Eu am setata temperatura la 40 de grade; pana in 40 de grade ventilatorul procesorului sta pana in 2000 RPM, iar daca se atinge sau sare de 40 de grade, ajunge pana la 4000 RPM.

O alta solutie ar fi achiztionarea unui Fan Controller: http://www.pcgarage.ro/fan-controllere/zalman/fan-mate-2/

Prin SpeedFan poti mari RPM-urile, in felul urmator: apesi pe Configure din prima fereastra a programului, apoi selectezi temperatura optima a procesorului (Desired sa zicem 40 de grade), iar de acum ar trebui ca cooler-ul sa isi mareasca RPM atat timp cat procesorul atinge sau depaseste 40 de grade.


P.S: Setarile vor functiona atata timp cat programul este deschis.

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