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Ok, am o problema cu softul Playclaw ( un programel cu ajutorul caruia inregistrezi in jocuri, gen FRAPS doar ca merge mai bine ). Mai intai l-am luat de pe siteul oficial, merge perfect INSA fiind versiunea trial imi apare textul-reclama.

So, am zis sa caut o versiune cracuita si am gasit-o. Problema este urmatoarea, la setari poti alege in ce format sa iti salveze videoul, defapt ar trebui sa arata asa, pe versiunea cracuita nu apare si ca urmare imi salveaza fisierele intr-un format necunsocut.

Cand ii dau play desigur nu merge, nu gaseste codecul. Am cautat pe google de m-am plictisit, am gasit ceva despre TAMB (fiind codecul), insa nu stiu cu ce sa-l deschid.

Are careva vreo idee cu ce as putea deschide aceste fisiere? Sau sa imi explice ce e TAMB? Google sucks, nu prea am gasit.




Zice ca e .avi, as arata si ieri, insa nu il pot deschide.

[File Info]


C:\Documents and Settings\Lus\My Documents\Playclaw Videos\aion 2011-08-21 11-06-02-81.avi


Complete name : C:\Documents and Settings\Lus\My Documents\Playclaw Videos\aion 2011-08-21 11-06-02-81.avi

Format : AVI

Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave

File size : 335 MiB

Duration : 14s 500ms

Overall bit rate : 194 Mbps

Writing library : AVI AVI AVI AVI


Format : TAMB

Codec ID : TAMB

Duration : 14s 500ms

Bit rate : 194 Mbps

Width : 1 440 pixels

Height : 900 pixels

Display aspect ratio : 1.600

Frame rate : 30.000 fps

Resolution : 16 bits

Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 4.990

Stream size : 335 MiB (100%)

Ce primesc cand il deschid cu Kmplayer (doar o parte).




Daca te joci putin cu extensia (redenumesti fisierul din: aion 2011-08-21 11-06-02-81.avi in aion 2011-08-21 11-06-02-81.mov) se intampla ceva diferit ?

Alte extensii video ce ai putea sa le incerci: .divx, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .vid

Cu VLC media player ai incercat sa deschizi fisierul ?

Incearca sa convertesti (folosind un convertor) fisierul intr-unul din formatele de mai sus, dupa care vezi daca merge vizionat.

Edit Later:

Uite ce am gasit pe forumul oficial PlayClaw, poate te ajuta ceva:

TAMB is the codec. Video is dependent on two things, the codec and the container file. FRAPS and Playclaw both record into an .avi file. However the codecs they use are different. Playclaw uses the TAMB codec. You cannot change this. TAMB is an old codec that is loseless if I remember correctly, meaning a lot of the information, visual quality, etc. isn't lost.

All video should be compressed, especially if you plan on uploading it to say Youtube. Using Virtualdub you can compress that video with whatever codec you wish. I personally use the Xvid codec with a quality of 4, but it's up to you. If Virtualdub does not read your video, then you need to restart your computer so Virtualdub can accept the TAMB codec.

This codec is included in PlayClaw installation. If after installation you cannot play recorded videos (in 32bit players and video editors) when something wrong with codec installation.

1. Make sure that your firewall and antivirus doesn't block codec installation (they can, belive me).

2. Try to restart Windows (sometimes this may be required).

I recorded some video files, low compression. Attempted to play them and nothing is working. Windows Media Player says error when playing file.

Vegas, Winamp, Quicktime, nothing works. Try downloading the TAMB codec and installing, nothing changed.

Help please.

Low compression uses Playclaw owns codec.

Try to reinstall Playclaw without antiviruses and firewalls and with admin rights.

Tried with admin's rights, tried restart computer, tried to install different versions. All tries failed.

I see that I am not the only one, there is couple of threads like this, and still no answer.

Support doesn't know how to help? Maybe just release tamb codec as separate install as I can't find it over web...

EDIT: I doubt i will get help but:

Core2Duo 4400@3.2GHz, 4GB ram, ATi Radeon 5770 1GB, Windows 7 Pro x64 and newest PlayClaw from the first thread. I have also tried server other versions and nothing.

EDIT2: I have Eset Smart Security, tried to disable during instalation - still not luck. No other 3rd party protection software running

First of all, tamb codec is from PlayClaw 1.x versions. Download the latest 2.0 version.
Yes, I've recorded videos in 1.7,x becouse this version was using my friend on his PCs and was working ok for him. After the fact i couldn't get working video I've checked : PlayClaw 2.0 build 1364, first thread on the top - still no luck. So i should drop these videos and use PlayClaw 2.0 build 1364 ?
PlayClaw 1.x and 2.0 have different codecs that is why you will not be able to replay old video with codec from new version.

Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.


Am incercat cu mai multe playere

Aici mesajul de la VLC

No suitable decoder module:

VLC does not support the audio or video format "TAMB". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this.

Chestia cu redenumitul am incercat ieri si imi face la fel, cat despre convert verific acum.

LE: Antivirus nu folosesc, firewall e pe off.

Dar din nou, versiunea trial merge, doar ca apare reclama si e enervant.]

Oricum, cred ca o las balta. Am gasit altul (bandicam) cam cu aceeasi calitate, fps putin my mic dar merge.




Oh well, intr-un final am reusit sa i-au cateva frameuri si uite ce a iesit:

Calitatea nu este cine stie ce, intr-adevar, dar merge zic eu.



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