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In timpul jocului, intrati in meniul telefonului, dupa care in Extras, pe urma in Cheats, si tastati codurile dorite din lista de mai jos. Un sunet va va confirma activarea codului.


Coduri principale:

Bani - cheese

Ucizi dintr-un foc - goldengun

Sprint infinit - runfast

Vehiculele nu sufera damage vroom

Repari damage-ul vehiculelor - repaircar

Ansamblul armelor - letsrock

Respect - whatitmeanstome

Adaugi notorietate gangului - lolz

Anulezi notorietatea politiei - goodygoody

Anulezi notorietatea gangului - oops

Cei pe care-i ucizi explodeaza - notrated

Pietoni beti - dui

Toti mortii merg in Rai - fryhole

Transformi trecatorii in mascote - mascot

Transformi trecatorii in prostituate - hohoho

Transformi trecatorii in zombie - brains

Cer senin - clearskies

Ploaie puternica - heavyrain

Ploaie usoara - lightrain

Prognoza meteo - overcast

Codurile vehiculelor:

Ambulance - giveembulance

Anchor - giveanchor

Attrazione - giveattrazione

Bootlegger - givebootlegger

Challenger - givechallenger

Commander - givecommander

Condor - givecondor

Eagle - giveeagle

Estrada - giveestrada

F69 Vtol - givevtol

Gatmobile - givegatmobile

anada - givekanada

Kenshin - givekenshin

Knoxville - giveknoxville

Krukov - givekrukov

Miami - givemiami

Municipal - givemunicipal

Nforcer - givenforcer

Peacemaker - givepeacemaker

Phoenix - givephoenix

Quasar - givequasar

Reaper - givereaper

Sandstorm - givesandstorm

Shark - giveshark

Specter - givespecter

Squasar - givesquasar

Status Quo - givestatusquo

Taxi - givetaxi

Titan - givetitan

Toad - givetoad

Tornado - givetornado

Vortex - givevortex

VTOL - givevtol

Vulture - givevulture

Widowmaker - givewidowmaker

Woodpecker - givewoodpecker

Codurile armelor:

45 Sheperd - givesheperd

Apocafists - giveapoca

AR 55 - givear55

AS3 Ultimax - giveultimax

Baseball Bat - givebaseball

Chainsaw - givechainsaw

Cyber Blaster - givecybersmg

Cyber Buster - givecyber

D4TH Blossom - giveblossom

Electric Grenade - giveelectric

Flamethrower - giveflamethrower

Flash Bang - giveflashbang

Grave Digger - givedigger

Grenade - givegrenade

K-8 Krukov - givekrukov

KA-1 Kobra - givekobra

M2 Grenade Launcher - givelauncher

McManus 2015 - givesniper

Mini Gun - giveminigun

Molotov - givemolotov

Nocturne - givesword

RC Possesor - givecgun

Reaper Drone - givedrone

Riot Shield - giveshield

RPG Launcher - giverpg

S3X Hammer - givehammer

SA-3 Airstrike - giveairstrike

Satchel Charge - givesatchel

Shock Hammer - giverocket

Sonic Boom - givesonic

Stun Gun - givestungun

TEK Z-10 - givetek

The Penetrator - givedildo

Viper Laser Rifle - giveslm8

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Haha laugh.gif, m-ai amuzat. Nu-l joc deocamdata, dar, iata ce am gasit:

- And have girlfriends that invite you in for s3x (that how gta got famous from san andres) same with prostitues who have private rooms. ( In your brothels to).
- What and whos and your mansion (gang, strippers, prostitues) and have in your bedroom a prostitue who you can choose to have sex with in your own mansion and penthouse.

Deci, raspunsul este da laugh.gif.

Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.

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