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S-a votat cea mai populara aplicatie de pe iPhone si de pe iPad

Angry Birds, o aplicatie pentru smartphone-uri precum iPhone-ul, care implica un stol de pasari nervoase, a captat cel mai mult atentia userilor in 2011, potrivit unei ultime statistici, scrie The Telegraph.

S-a votat cea mai populara aplicatie de pe iPhone si de pe iPad

Alte doua derivate: Angry Birds Seasons si Angry Birds Rio se afla de asemenea in top 10. Jocul se afla in fruntea clasamentului aplicatiilor platite, de iPhone, cumparate de la Apple anul acesta.

Facebook este numarul 1 la aplicatii gratis downloadate de pe iPhone, in timp ce Twitter, Skype si eBay se afla si ele in primele 10.

Top 10 aplicatii iPhone platite, in 2011

1. Angry Birds

2. WhatsApp Messenger

3. Angry Birds Seasons

4. Cut The Rope

5. Fruit Ninja

6. Angry Birds Rio

7. Doodle Jump

8. Tiny Wings

9. TuneIn Radio Pro

10. Where’s Wally? In Hollywood

Top 10 aplicatii iPhone la liber in 2011

1. Facebook

2. Skype

3. Twitter

4. iBooks

5. Viber

6. eBay

7. Angry Birds Rio Free

8. National Lottery Official App

9. BBC News

10. Bubble Shooter Free

Top 10 aplicatii iPad platite, in 2011

1. Pages

2. GarageBand

3. Angry Birds HD

4. Scrabble

5. Angry Birds Seasons HD

6. Angry Birds Rio HD

7. Numbers

8. Fruit Ninja HD

9. Monopoly

10. Keynote

Top 10 aplicatii iPad la liber in 2011

1. BBC iPlayer

2. iBooks

3. Mr Giggle HD Lite

4. ITV Player

5. 4oD Catch Up

6. Mr Giggle 2 HD Lite

7. eBay

8. Skype

9. Angry Birds HD Free

10. Calculator


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